Chapter 1:Dancing Amidst The Danger, A Lost Heart

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Claire had been leading Sparrow further into the forest for nearly an hour now, the two stopped to rest. Claire observed Sparrows face grow more curious by the minute and finally asked him
"what's the matter Sparrow? Is something on your mind?"

"It's just that I cannot remember anything besides the fact that I know your name is Claire and I'm drawn to you somehow... I don't remember much else besides something called the Duel Arcanum law or something like that and that I have two abilities but the names and uses escape me"

Before answering Claire pouted and giggled
"Aaw, that's not fun, you can't even remember your lovely lady? You've been courting me for almost a year, I was just about ready to take your hand"

"Oh... I... My apologies I'm sure my memories will come flooding in soon,did I have a name for you? A sweet name or pet name?"

"You had several, my personal favourite was" my gem" you always seemed to love my eyes ever so much Sparrow"

Claire stood up from the stump she had rested on and held out her hand for Sparrow with an inviting smile, Sparrow took her hand and got up, wondering where it was that they were going. His time for thoughts were short lived, he felt a gaze fall upon him, a familiar but blurred gaze, he stopped hoping to find it, Claire turned on her heel and held Sparrows hands in hers,
"it's alright Sparrow, I will explain everything once we get to the middle of the forest, I have a small hut there we can rest and recover at, I'll explain whatever it is you don't remember" she said in a soft comforting voice as she danced her fingers on his hands. The two moved faster for the better part of an hour but now face a large foe, a gilded beast, a creation made when mana and nature fuse, they are very powerful compared to their animalistic former selves and are often scaled to what they once were, a bear gilded beast is the equivalent of seven bears. The mana beast that stood before them was a deer, a horrific and twisted one at that, it stood on two legs, the other two having gnawed off hooves and bloody joints, it had stretched in size to nearly twelve feet tall and it's antlers bled profusely it's eyes hallow and dead.

Claire clenched her teeth and muttered a curse, she looked at Sparrow and smiled
"This should only take a moment, I have some special weapons for such inconveniences" she said with a tinge of anger
The word special lingered in Sparrows mind, he thought it best to let Claire fight without him in the way and he took a few steps back.

Claire began to weave signs in the air, a red mist surrounding her, she emerged with two scimitars, one in each hand, her red and gold travel shirt and brown pants had become armour made of the same red most, she stared the mana beast down and swiftly leaped behind it, a flash of red shone bright and the beast fell, her weapons withdrawn and her form reverted Claire came to Sparrows side with a bright smile like an innocent child.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, I don't enjoy fighting very much but a woman must learn to defend herself no?" she said rhetorically.

Sparrow nodded and lost himself in thought
"I feel like I remember your power, you might have jogged a memory of mine, I remember it had something to do with blood right?" his soft voice spoke, barely audible for any eavesdroppers.
Clair was taken aback by the comment and giggled and leaned to Sparrows side, whispering into his ear
" Yes it does involve blood, that which surrounds me or used by me, I prefer not to fight because you are usually my big strong bull, my knight in shining armour" she whispered fondly into his ear.

As they continued their journey, the forest seemed to grow denser, the canopy above weaving a tapestry of shadows and whispers. Sparrow's mind was a whirlwind of fragmented memories, each trying to piece together the puzzle of his past. Claire's presence was a beacon of familiarity in the chaos of his thoughts, her hand in his a steady anchor.

"Tell me more about this Duel Arcanum law," Sparrow asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and a faint trace of urgency.

Claire leaned in closer, her voice soft yet filled with an authoritative warmth. "You see," she whispered, as if sharing a secret meant for him alone, "in this world, we are each touched by the arcane at birth-granted the potential to master either Summoning or Enhancement from the ethereal realm we call the Arcanum."

Her eyes locked onto his, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "Summoners weave connections with the Arcanum, calling forth beings-spirits, beasts, guardians. Their power grows with their bond, their mastery a dance with the arcane."

She reached out, her touch light on his arm. "Enhancers, on the other hand, draw upon the Arcanum's essence to elevate their own being-strength, healing, senses, or even the psychic. It's a reflection of one's true self, an amplification of their innermost nature."

Claire's gaze softened. "But remember, the rules of this dual force are absolute. One cannot grasp both Summoning and Enhancement-the Arcanum's depths are unfathomable, its complexities beyond a single soul's domain."

She paused, ensuring her words had taken root. "And while one may master a pair of abilities, it is the resonance, the unique harmony of power with the individual, that truly defines an Enhancer or Summoner. Rare is the Convergence, where two abilities merge into a singular, unparalleled expression of the Arcanum."

Her voice dropped to a murmur, "Such is the fabric of our powers-distinct as fingerprints, yet bound by the same ethereal tapestry."

As they approached the heart of the forest, the air grew colder, and the trees seemed to lean in closer, as if eager to overhear their conversation. The hut Claire had spoken of came into view, a quaint structure made of wood and stone, with smoke curling up from the chimney.

Inside, the hut was warm and inviting, with a fire crackling in the hearth. Claire led Sparrow to a pair of chairs by the fireplace, urging him to sit. "Rest now," she said gently. "I'll prepare some tea, and then we can talk about everything."

Sparrow sank into the chair, the warmth seeping into his bones. He watched Claire move about the hut, her movements graceful and assured. She returned with two steaming cups, handing one to Sparrow before taking a seat opposite him.

"Now, about your abilities," she started, her eyes meeting his. "You possess the power of the Vitalis Aether, the life force that connects all living things. You can heal, create barriers, and even manipulate the energy within yourself and others."

"And the second?" Sparrow prompted, his interest piqued.

"The Umbran Echo," Claire continued, a note of awe in her voice. "It's a rare gift, allowing you to blend with shadows, become intangible, and even summon spectral entities. But it's a double-edged sword, Sparrow. It can consume you if you're not careful."

Sparrow nodded, absorbing the information. "And you? Your power is tied to blood?"

"Yes," Claire confirmed, her expression turning serious. "The Crimson Pact. I can control and weaponize my own blood, as well as sense the life force of others. It's powerful but dangerous, and I must always be mindful of the balance."

They sat in silence for a moment, the crackling of the fire the only sound. Sparrow felt a sense of clarity beginning to dawn on him, the fog of amnesia slowly lifting.

"Thank you, Claire," he said, his voice steady. "For everything."

She reached across, taking his hand once more. "We'll face whatever comes, together. And I'll be here to help you remember, every step of the way."

Outside, the forest seemed to hold its breath, the night creatures silent. The story of Claire and Sparrow was far from over, but for now, they had a moment of peace.

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