Chapter 3: The Bond

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There Sparrow stood, his arms shaking his breath came fast and his heart ran rampant in his chest, the situation looked bad, a hostage situation always does. Sparrow steeled himself remembering what he had done moments ago, "why not try something anyways? Maybe I am stronger and faster than this guy? Perhaps I can save Claire, no... I will save Claire.".

Sparrow locked eyes with the man who held Claire in his grasp, he was tall, strong by the size of his muscles he had at least double what Sparrow did, that'd weigh him down Sparrow thought, he charged as soon as he leapt forward Claire grinned mischievously and looked up at her captor and she clicked her fingers. This began her transformation which was vastly different than before. She didn't open a wound on her hand this time. The man looked shocked, scared to death and then he felt a slash in his left shoulder, the blood began to pour out and float upwards. Claire was no longer in front of him but rather a pile of blood resembling her was. The man, petrified and shaking looked up to see a large ball of blood above him, it began to condense and form swords, swords that rained down upon him, turning the man into a corpse.

Sparrow halted his attack as soon as he opened the wound on the man's shoulder, he had a sudden fear fill him, he looked to Claire, terror in his eyes.

"What the hell was that... How and why did you do that... That poor man was terrified and he had all rights to be... I feel the same.". Sparrow shook the words out of his body, as if even his mouth was afraid.

Claire's voice was calm, yet it carried the weight of her formidable power as she turned to Sparrow, whose eyes were wide with a mix of fear and awe. "Sparrow," she began, her gaze steady, "the ability I wield is known as the Crimson Pact. It is not just a mere trick; it is a testament to the control I have over the very essence of life that flows within us."

She lifted her hand, and the droplets of blood from the fallen foes began to swirl around her. "As long as the blood is not within a living creature, I can manipulate it to my will. I can forge it into weapons, sharp and deadly," she said, as the blood solidified into a gleaming blade before them.

"With a mere thought, I can command its movement, harden it to shield us, or even create armor to protect against the fiercest of attacks," she continued, demonstrating each ability with a grace that belied the violence of her power. The blood around her danced and transformed, showcasing her mastery.

"And with the use of **Arcanum**, I can multiply the blood I control, expanding my arsenal and ensuring that we are never at a disadvantage." As she spoke, the amount of blood seemed to grow exponentially, enveloping her in a crimson tide that was both beautiful and terrifying.

"This power, the Crimson Pact, is mine to command. And as long as you stand by my side, you need not fear it. Instead, let it be a reminder of the strength we hold together." Claire's expression softened slightly, offering Sparrow a glimpse of the trust and bond they shared, even amidst the chaos of their battles.

" We should not dwell however, we have more incoming, hired toadies I assume, I would like to acknowledge your strength but unfortunately the Sparrow I have seen is at least one hundred times this... Though awakening the shadows first is an interesting path your subconscious has taken, be alert, I'll let you deal with the coming foe and jump in should I need to. " Claire spoke calmly and clearly

Sparrow felt at ease and waited, listened and looked for the next foe he felt a thick layer of Arcanum near... he knew that was his next fight, this enemy felt closer to his level and Sparrow felt a surge of confidence.

Sparrow's senses were on high alert. The rustle of leaves underfoot was not his own. With every breath, he felt the eyes upon him-searching, seeking. There, in the embrace of ancient trees, the silent dance of predator and prey was about to play out. Sparrow's grip tightened around the hilt of his shadow-forged sword, it hummed with a silent promise of battle. He moved with a whisper through the underbrush, his speed a blur against the stillness of the woods.

His foe emerged like a force of nature, his presence as commanding as the towering trees he resembled, tall and strong. The two warriors locked eyes, an unspoken challenge hanging between them. Sparrow's heart raced, not from fear, but from the thrill of the hunt turned duel.

As they circled, Sparrow's mind raced. He knew he was fast, but he lacked the brute strength of his adversary who weilded two blades with ease and comfort. Then, amidst the flurry of movement, a revelation struck. Shadows danced at his command, not just in his blade but in the air around him. With a thought, he wove them into a barrier, thin and quivering, yet enough to catch his foe off guard.

The fight was a tempest, each second stretching into eternity. Sparrow's barriers grew with his confidence, each one stronger than the last, a dance of dark against light. His foes relentless assault of his twin blades met with the cunning of Sparrow's newfound defense.

Seconds felt like hours until, at last, an opening. Sparrow seized it, his blade a streak of night that found its way past his enemies guard. The clash of wills ended with a single breathless moment, the victor standing amidst a cascade of falling leaves, the defeated foe fell, yielding to the silent witness of the forest.

As Sparrow stood victorious, the forest seemed to whisper its approval. The rustling leaves and snapping twigs created a symphony of sounds, a natural applause for the battle that had just unfolded. The trees, ancient and wise, had borne witness to countless conflicts, and yet, Sparrow's unique abilities and strategic mind had left an indelible mark on the forest.

The forest was a realm of wonder and terror. Towering trees, their trunks as wide as houses, stretched towards the sky, their canopies a vibrant tapestry of greens. The underbrush was dense, a labyrinth of shadows and secrets, where predators and prey engaged in an eternal dance. The air was alive with the hum of Arcanum, a mystical energy that coursed through every living being, waiting to be harnessed and wielded.

Sparrow's connection to the shadows, his ability to forge and manipulate them, was a rare gift. Few could claim such mastery over the darkness, and even fewer could wield it with such precision and grace. His sword, a shadow-forged blade, hummed with an otherworldly energy, a constant reminder of his bond with the mysterious forces that lurked just beyond the edge of his memory.

As he and Claire walked away from the battlefield, the forest seemed to shift and whisper around him. The trees appeared to lean in, their branches tangling above his head, forming a natural archway that guided them deeper into the woods. The rustling leaves and snapping twigs created a soft melody, a gentle accompaniment to his footsteps.

Sparrow's journey was far from over. The forest held many secrets, and the whispers of the trees hinted at greater challenges to come. The Arcanum pulsed with an energy that seemed to be drawing him towards a destination unknown. With every step, the silence grew thicker, the anticipation building.

"The forest is a realm of wonder, but also a testing ground, where only the strongest and most cunning would survive." Claire spoke, proudly and cheerfully reminding Sparrow she was also with him.

And so, Sparrow walked on, his senses on high alert, his heart pounding with excitement and trepidation. The forest was a mystery, a labyrinth of shadows and light, and he was eager to uncover its secrets with Claire by his side, one step at a time.

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