Chapter 4: The Shadow That Lurks

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The leaves sang a soft, chilling song in the low breeze, a reminder of the seasonal change soon to come. Sparrow walked with a spring in his step, he looked at Claire and smiled triumphantly, he had spent their walk in the forest thinking of his victory and his newfound ability. He stopped and turned to face Claire, a smile on his face.

"So Claire, with my new defense what would you say our odds are of fighting at least one of those people you mentioned earlier, I don't want to sound too optimistic but I think this new ability is a sign of what else I can soon do with my power, I can't explain it but I feel so much stronger and lighter too. "

Claire watched Sparrow with a mixture of pride and concern. "Sparrow," she began, her voice a gentle caress, "your growth is undeniable, and the shadows you wield—they are becoming an extension of your very essence. But we must tread carefully. The individuals I spoke of, they possess a raw power that is... formidable. One, in particular, doesn't even require the intricacies of the Arcanum to be a force of nature, she uses only the most basic of enhancement to generate her power, she alone is truly terrifying, her company makes that fear more than doubled."

She stepped closer, her eyes softening. "However, do not let this dishearten you. Your newfound strength and agility, they are signs of your potential—of the heights you will reach. Remember, every shadow you conjure, every barrier you create, is a testament to your will and determination."

Claire reached out, her touch light upon Sparrow's arm. "You have already surpassed what I thought possible in this time, you are regaining your strength rapidly, even by your old self's standards. And for that, you have my admiration... and more." Her smile was faint but genuine. She did not often show such emotions and was genuinely impressed with Sparrows growth, he has left an undeniable mark on her heart.

Sparrow absorbed her words, the weight of their situation settling in his heart. He knew the path ahead was fraught with peril, but Claire's faith in him kindled a fire within. "Thank you, Claire," he replied, his resolve hardening. "With you by my side, I believe we can face anything. Together."

Their exchange was brief, but in those moments, the bond between them grew stronger, a silent promise of support and shared courage as they prepared to confront the challenges ahead.

The air around the pair grew cold, both Claire and Sparrow felt a cold chill run down their necks, the day is becoming night, the temperature dropping indicated it, Sparrow looked at Claire seeking an answer for the situation, knowing full well the hut was unsafe as was camping so close to where a fight had been Claire sighed. "We need to make camp somewhere nearby, I will look for some things we can use to sleep with, I will also find some water nearby I have a few animal skins on me for containers should I ever need, that leaves food and timber to you, it'll let you practice using that sword of your's, should trouble find you call out before you fight, I trust your capability but let's not be reckless" she ended off in a cautious tone.

Claire and Sparrow went North towards the edge of the forest for almost fifteen minutes before changing to an easterly direction for another fifteen minutes, this area a small clearing surrounded by bushes and trees Claire deemed suitable and began looking for loose bark on the trees, she found suitable pieces for headrests and covered them in moss to soften the hard bark making it fit for a pillow. She bound her animal skins with grass and a blood needle, using a glass stopper for the newly made animal skin bottles she had made using fire from the timber Sparrow had brought, perfectly broken twigs and nothing green, this was good it meant there would be little to no smoke that may signal enemies or give away their position.

Sparrow went towards the bushes behind the camp in search of some animals or berries, the dark made it incredibly difficult but his senses were still on high alert, he heard noise nearby and stealthily moved towards it, he was a silent gust of wind that moved between the bushes, he found a deer and it seemed normal, though the image of the bloodied and twisted gilded deer still haunted his mind, Sparrow created his sword, a blade of pure midnight, before the animal could blink it had been killed.

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