Chapter 5: Untold Stories The Northern Lights

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The morning sun has finally fully risen and shone it's light upon Sparrow Vladis and Claire.

Vladis smiled, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Ah, Sparrow, my young friend, Arcanum is a wondrous thing. Mostly used instinctively, it can do just about anything. The longer you practice and maintain your training, the more you'll wield, and the stronger it will become."

Claire nodded, her expression serious. "That's right, Sparrow. Arcanum has multiple uses. Anyone can use the basics of one or both styles - enhancing and summoning. But as you become more skilled, you may develop your own unique ability."

Vladis interrupted, his grin mischievous. "Enough talking for now, my dears. Let's see Sparrow in action! A little practice, and then we can study more. After all, the day is just beginning."

Sparrow nodded, his eyes determined. "I'm ready."

The two faced off, their blades at the ready. Vladis wielded his polearm with grace, his movements fluid and deadly. Sparrow, with his shadow-forged sword, charged forward with a fierce cry.

The fight was intense, the clashing of blades echoing through the forest. Sparrow's shadow barriers faltered against Vladis's precise strikes, his sword flashing in the dim light. Vladis used his enhancement to sharpen and reinforce his polearm, and to harden his clothes like armor.

Sparrow stumbled back, his breathing ragged, as Vladis disarmed him with a swift kick to the solar plexus followed by a deep pierce of the handle of his polearm to the chest, pinning Sparrow down, Vladis withdrew his weapon and resumed his stance. Sparrow didn't give up, charging forward again and again, each time forcing Vladis to use a little more of his strength.

Vladis's movements became faster, his strikes more precise, as he began to use more of his enhancement. Sparrow's shadow barriers began to hold, his sword striking true, but Vladis's skill was still unmatched.

The fight continued, the two exchanging blows, their breathing ragged, their movements swift. Vladis's polearm flashed in the dim light, striking true, but Sparrow refused to yield.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Vladis called out, his voice firm. "Enough, Sparrow. You've made me use... about fourty five percent of what I can do. Not bad, not bad at all."

As they caught their breath, Claire began to make camp, gathering timber and felling wild animals for food. The smell of roasting meat filled the air, and Sparrow's stomach growled in anticipation.

Claire turned to Sparrow, her eyes serious. "Vladis gives us a fifty fifty chance of winning against our enemies. We should begin to weed out the last of their toadies and prepare to fight."

Vladis interrupted, his voice filled with respect, akin to reverence. "We have one more ally we may yet find, Sparrow. The Aurora  Blade. That's all I'll say for now."

Sparrow's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions, but Vladis just smiled, his eyes glinting with mystery. Claire's eyes widened on shock hearing the name, She looked to Vladis and as if he could read her mind he nodded, it was indeed the Aurora Blade. The legend himself.

The next three days proceeded rather briefly.

On the first day. The trio journeyed on, their path winding through the dense forest. A few toadies had appeared, Sparrow welcomed the chance to practice fighting against someone he can actually beat and of the three who appeared he defeated one with relative ease, evading his blows easily finding their weakness and decapitating the enemy, he immediately sought after the other two but Vladis dispatched them easily, his polearm slicing through the air with deadly precision had impaled both much before Sparrow even began his fight, Vladis Yawned and looked at Sparrow.

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