Chapter 2: Awakening Of A Slumbering Body

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The night was silent, Sparrow and Claire had no other words to say, they had only the company of each other and the blank canvas that was Sparrows mind. Claire had broken the silence and spoke softly

"Sparrow, you must be hungry how about I cook us something?"

"Ah you noticed that" he replied with an awkward laugh

"Of course I did, I know you all too well" she giggled

Claire had gone into the back of the hut retrieving some meat that had been chopped up, she made a stew with meat and some tomatoes cabbage and other such condements. During their shared meal Sparrow grew ever more tired and finally after his third yawn and cleared plate were noticed he admitted to Claire his fatigue. Claire quickly finished her food and smiled, leading Sparrow to the section of the hut the bed was, the two had shared an awkward gaze but agreed to sleep under the warmth of the same blanket.

Upon waking Sparrow noted that Claire had already risen and was standing at the edge of the hut with some bread and cheese.

"Good morning Sparrow, I have news but first we should eat and build up strength for the day ahead" Claire said in a cheerful tone with a tinge of caution and authority.

The two sat on the edge of the hut, the warm rays of the morning sun waking them up. After the meal Claire looked directly into Sparrows eyes. In hushed tones of one who knows the weight of power she spoke, her voice a blade cutting through the morning silence.

"At the forests edge, where the Arcanum's breath turns the air heavy, two figures stand. One is an adept summoner, who wields the power of sound and song, he commands the unseen with a mere flick of his wrist, his minions and power a testament to his dominion over the powers a summoner may weild. The other is a titan in human guise, she is a beast among even bestial standards, her strength is beyond comprehension of what you currently know, even I would fear to trade blows with someone such as her, her will and thirst for battle makes animals tremble. " Claire's eyes grew sharper still fixing onto Sparrows gaze," These people may sound like myth however they are the polar opposite they are as real as the threats they pose to their enemies, they are the storm and the calm that is before it, the dance of power in its full glory. We will see piles of corpses at their feet, that is why we hide here, why I find you now in the forest and why we haven't ventured out of it, those corpses you may be wondering are their amusement and merely echoes of their vast might. These foes cannot under any circumstances be taken lightly, they are here for us and us alone, to defeat such foes one must have information strategy and luck. Remember one thing above all else, do not take them lightly, should we encounter them there is no running and the chances of victory are slim. "

Sparrow's heart raced as Claire's words sank in, the gravity of their situation pressing down on him like the weight of the world. He knew of his own strength as it currently stood, a flicker of power in a world of raging infernos , but the thought of facing such titans was daunting. His mind raced, thoughts scattering like leaves in a storm.

"I understand the peril we face," Sparrow began, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "These foes... they are beyond dangerous. But I refuse to stand idly by while danger looms. We may be outmatched, but not outwitted."

He took a deep breath his power rose with his mood coincidentally, the air of the Arcanum filling his lungs, lending him a momentary surge of courage. "Information, strategy, and luck," he repeated, the words becoming a mantra. "We'll need every advantage we can get. I may not be the hero of legends yet, but I have the will to become one. Let's gather what we know, plan our next move carefully, and trust in the sliver of chance that favors the bold."

Sparrow's gaze met Claire's, a silent vow passing between them. They would face this storm together, come what may.

After the two had finished their food and gathered their wits, Sparrow began to walk outside the hut with Claire, the two walked to where Sparrow was originally found by Claire. Sparrow felt that familiar gaze again, he felt it and it sent chills down his spine, someone was watching...waiting someone lurked within the forest.

Claire stood calm nodded her head in Sparrows direction confirming he's darkest thought, it was indeed danger. Claire looked at the trees above her eyes slanted and she inhaled deeply, sending a sword made of blood towards a tree, with lethal grace as is her style the sword sang through the air and hit its mark, a gilded beast in the shape of an eagle that was the size of a bear. Claire looked around. "It's not alone nor is it natural, this beast as well as others we may encounter are summoned, we are being stalked, prepare for an ambush. " Claire stated flatly her voice sounded experienced, she must be used to such situations Sparrow wondered. A sudden movement near the edge of Sparrows vision caught his notice, his body moved on its own towards it, a black sword that seemed to be made of shadows manifested in his hand, light as a feather and sharp as a bards tongue, time was too short for questioning he just felt this was part of his power, the beast he chased revealed itself with a roar and began to charge after him the same moment he began to move, it was a horridly twisted tiger, it stood at 2 metres tall and had the muscle of a bear, the speed of a falcon, it bore down on him.

Sparrows body remembered what he did not, the beast clawed at him but he moved with grace and flair, he dodged the blow with ease, to his surprise the beast seemed to be moving slow by comparison to him, Sparrow seized the opportunity to strike as the beast attempted to pounce onto him, another move he outpaced with ease, Sparrow plunged the sword into the gilded beasts back and dragged it up to its head cleaving the beast almost in two. He stood by astonished and speechless at his combat prowess, immediately after envy came fear, fear for two things, if he was this good at combat... How strong does that make the two foes he and Claire spoke of... The fear deepened after seeing the overwhelming sight before of him...

"Who is this guy? How did he bind Claire like that and how did he best her?"

Sparrows body shook, a cold sweat rand down his face, adrenaline surged throughout his body and his heart began to race

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