Chapter Eighteen-The Assistant

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(I have a new Character POV for a new character. And it is...🥁🥁🥁Vegas. He is going to be an important character in the story from now on, so he is the third character to have a POV. In my announcement, I already teased the POV and now you know, who this new character is.)

With that being said: Have a lot of fun with the new chapter and POV.

~The Assistant~

My Ford Mustang reached the garage of my newly obtained mansion, as I pulled out the key and ordered Fiat to get out of it. He immediately did as I told him to, and after about two seconds, I left my Ford as well.

"There it is...", I told him, Fiat noticing the different facades of the two buildings right away. The main building had a white, flat exterior, while the additional, a bit smaller building had grey brick walls. However I wanted them to look the same, so I immediately gave Fiat the first makeover point for my mansion.

„Give the main building a brick wall."

„Got it...", he confirmed, noting my wishes on a sketch pad and following me into the main building. Right at the entrance, there was a huge entryway with two columns supporting an about 3-meter archway going into the living room.

Old, heavy furniture filled this room and my only thought was how to get out those goddamn 70's sofas with those eye-killing pillows and blankets all over it. And the worst thing about it was the fact that there were 4 of those ugly sofas. FOUR!!! And the absolute apocalypse were the damn matching chairs. How could you even take in consideration that these sofas and chairs would look good in a mansion like this??? That's beyond me.

"What about the sofas? I guess, you won't keep them for what you planned for this mansion...", Fiat concluded absolutely correctly, that I desperately wanted to get them sofas out of the room.

Heading into the next room, I told Fiat about my plans for it. The room we were currently standing in, was a small room without any windows so it was perfect to store a bigger quantity of ropes.

"I need hook boards in this room to display all of my ropes in here for the shibari practices...", I explained, Fiat raising a brow and giving me a smirk. Oh no...what did I do?

I would still like to try it...", he whined, as I told him that it's not the right time to try it now. I then offered him to go to Crimson Room on Thursday, because the club had a shibari course going on where beginners can try if they even like it.

Shibari is a special form of Japanese rope bondage and is renowned for the great aesthetic look of the tied up person. It widely ranges from only tying a certain body part like an arm to tying up the entire body of the person. In order to do it, you need someone experienced who can do the practice well. There are multiple risks of being injured if you don't watch out for these risks. For example, never tie the rope too tight to maintain a healthy blood circulation. Or don't leave a person hanging for too long. But first and foremost: Never, like NEVER leave the person, you are tying up. Yes, there are a lot of things that can go wrong but if you pay attention, everything will go well.

"Do you know, how to do it?", Fiat curiously asked, making me chuckle quietly. He is just so cute and adorable when he keeps asking questions about my dominant lifestyle, so I decided to support him and respond to his question.

"Well...rope bondage is not my main practice, but I am proficient enough to be able to practice it safely on another person."

Fiat nodded at my explanation, as I brought him into the kitchen of the house. The kitchen was fine, but I wasn't a fan of the ivory cabinets. I wanted them black, just like my other furniture but with violet and purple accessories. He noted my plans for the kitchen, asking for anything he has to watch out for.

"I just need hooks know what..."

"Noted...", he replied, writing my wish down on his sketch pad.

While I showed Fiat all the other rooms in the house, we talked about everything necessary, as we got into the living room and sat on those ugly ass sofas.

Fiat started reciting everything he wrote down and I, as a good client, listened to him closely.

"Brick walls for the main furniture with purple decoration elements...cock bushes in the kitchen with hooks for ropes and/or handcuffs...and the rooms each for another practice..."

"Exactly...", I gave Fiat the confirmation he was looking for. He asked for details on when he should get the professionals to renovate the house. I told him, that the earliest date would be next week due to my ongoing law case.

"Alright...", he added a last statement, as I offered Fiat to go to Crimson Room to get a drink. Fiat however raised a brow at me, being insecure about my suggestion.

"But I have to call Leo if it's okay..."


"Cause I have work until 5pm and it's now 3:10pm."

Upon Fiat's response, I let him call his boss, him doing exactly that right away.

Leo on the phone: Can I call you in 10 minutes? I'm still at the conference..."

Alright...", Fiat responded to whatever Leo had to say, as Fiat explained to me, that Leo will call him in 10 minutes. Meanwhile, we waited in the garden and sat on a white, wooden bench which was standing under the porch of my house.

-10 minutes later-

Leo on the phone: I was still at the conference.

"I know..."

Leo on the phone: Where are you right now?

"I'm at the place of Vegas' new mansion and we're just done with the roomtour..."

Leo on the phone: Alright. What did you want to ask me?

"If I should go back to the company or if I can just go home. it's 3:22 now and I'm driving an hour until I'm back at the company."

Leo on the phone: Shall I pick you up? I still need to get some stuff.

" don't have to do that...Vegas will drive me back in town."

Leo on the phone: But maybe I want to see my baby?

"You're so cheesy sometimes...Okay, you won..."

Leo on the phone: Alright...I'll be there as fast as possible, okay?


After Fiat hung up his phone, he told me, that Leo will pick him up from here and I just decided to accept it and drive to Crimson Room alone. With that, I made my next appointment with Fiat, which was scheduled next Wednesday where we would get the workers to get the old furniture out. We discussed the last details, before I left my lot with my blue Ford Mustang and waved at Fiat one last time before I left it.



(I know that this chapter is a little bit short but I promise that the next chapters will be ✨spicy✨

See ya at the next update😊😊😊)

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