Chapter 15

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The words were bristled out like thorns.

Jennie flicked her pony tail and leaned against the trunk. "Of course. I was ready for it."

Lisa gnashed her teeth in response.

Jennie is lying. She had to be.

Lisa could see the tremble in her legs. If Jennie just gave in and said thank you, this could be all over. But no, she wanted to play. Pretend. Mind fuck her with her stupid games into oblivion.

Well, if she can play. So could Lisa .

Inhumanly, she grated the immoral words out. "So you wanted to suck his dick?"

Jennie flinched at that but managed to stand tall against the tree.

She vomited the words out, "Yes, I wanted to suck his dick and I could have survived through that without your untimely interruption."

Her words hurled at Lisa like boulder. Her thoughts shape shifted into Jennie's doing that act with that loser and Lisa only became more rattled than ever.

Her teeth pulled back, back rolling up to her height making her look more stalwart than ever.

If Jennie was so willing to suck, be my guest.

Breath caught in Jennie's lungs as Lisa stared at her, unsnapping her belt.

With long pull of her zipper that reverberated like tingling warning bell she flatly said, "Then survive this."

Jennie's jaw fell open, as Lisa's cock sprung free. The huge long erection with a rounded tip, glistened with pre-cum.

"You wanted to suck cock. Suck me instead. I'm all yours." Lisa's eyes filled with anger and hunger, as she moved closer to Jennie.

Jennie's eyes were stuck on it, the swollen head tantalizing her.

Jennie made no gesture, simply remained frozen.

"What's the matter? Do you not want to anymore?" Lisa mocked her, knowing fully well Jennie was going to back down now.

Jennie on the other hand, gulped her saliva. Her heat clenched and she did the one thing Lisa never expected.

Dropping to her knees, she looked up at Lisa's surprised face. Only after a second, it scowled back at her.

Lisa was filled with contempt and thirst for her. Purely disliking Jennie's need to get even with her. Jennie could go to any extent to just teach her a lesson.

But she knew Jennie was just making a show. Pretending that she could give her a blow job. How low she could go by simply kneeling in front of her was astounding Lisa!

A girl like Jennie would never. Never deliberately put her mouth on her. Jennie was too classy for such a crass act.

Wanting to be harsh, Lisa spurred her on. "Cmon, do it. Suck my cock."

Any moment Jennie was going get up, knee her in the balls and spit on Lisa. Cursing Lisa with all the abominable names off a book.

Except Jennie's hand tentatively reached out, fisting the base of her erection.

Lisa shuddered, almost tripping over Jennie. The jolt of her soft skin on her was staggering.

Lisa's hand reached out, holding the trunk in front of her for support.

"Princess..." Her breath caught as Jennie peeked her tongue out and started out with beguiling slow long licks from the base to the top.

Jennie teases the the head, swirling her tongue around it and dipping it in the slit. She played the sensitive skin with her lush lips.

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