Chapter 22

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Lisa wasn't leaving here till Jennie was back into her arms. If she had to fight with Jennie's parents, so be it.

Noticing her stance, Min-kyu shook his head. "Lisa, I'm not telling you to leave but you need to take some rest."

"No. I'm not leaving her."

With a compassionate smile, he nodded. "I know, Lisa  but-"

"No sir. I cannot leave her. I just can't." The last syllable broken into a cry.

"I'm in love with your daughter and if she-" Lisa couldn't say it. She couldn't come in terms with it.

In the next second, Min-kyu brings hee close and hugs her. "I know Lisa and I think she just found the right one too."

Tears began to drop at Min-kyu's words.

Acceptance, finally and with Jennie not able to be here to see it was intolerable. Jennie was right. She just had to fight for it. Fight for them.

Jennie was so brave unlike her. Jennie was her knight and she had fallen hopelessly in love.

After waiting a few more hours, the doctor stepped out and Lisa got up, trying to discern her face.

"Your daughter is alive, provost."

All three of them exhaled with promise and relief.

"But she lost the sight of her right eye. It will take time to recover and improve that back but I'm not giving any false hope."

Min-kyu nodded and Sejeong clenched her hands tightly around his arm. "Thank you doctor for saving her. Thank you."

"Can we see her?"

"Not at the moment. She is unconscious. Please go back home and rest yourself. Come back tomorrow."

Lisa wasn't leaving.

She would stay all night and wait for Jennie if she had to. Min-kyu and Sejeong pleaded her to wait in their house but she wasn't having it.

Her princess needs her and she was staying.

Unable to convince Lisa, Min-kyu and Sejeong left her but only to bring back some exchange of clothes and food.


The next morning, Jennie still hadn't woken up but they got to visit her inside.

When Lisa saw Jennie lying there in a white hospital gown with the right eye in white bandage and the marks on her face, her breath had hitched.

She blamed herself.

For leaving Jennie there.

Kneeling on the ground beside her bed, with gentleness Lisa touched the skin on her hand. Afraid she might break her.

Such softness, Lisa had let Jennie get herself hurt.

A cry fell from her lips and Jennie's parents exchanged worried glances. They knew what she was thinking.

Sejeong came beside her, holding her head. "Please don't do this to yourself, Lisa. This is not your fault."

"If only I hadn't gone..."

"Don't. She told you to take Minji out."

Lisa whispered. "I shouldn't have listened to her and taken them both out."

She remained there for the whole day. Jennie hadn't even move.

Lisa began to fill the silence with her own words.

She talked about everything. Her childhood, how her parents were, her first kiss, her way of living and her future.

She told Jennie that she wanted a big football team of children. She wanted to marry Jennie and whisk her away to a whole week of love making. Lisa also added that she wanted to kill Hanbin and shared with her how Lisa decided to chop up all his limbs and feed him to the dogs.

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