Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

A week later, Haymitch finally is able to find me, telling me he wants to see me again, trying something different. After last week's emotional visit, I slept all hours of the day and wandered at night. Mainly to avoid Haymitch with the same thing- He wants to see you again. I don't know the reasoning behind hiding out, but I just couldn't face him. The thought of it was just making me queasy, now I just want to see him again. I think I was just embarrassed that Peeta was the one who needed comforting and I broke out in sobs and then he comforted me. But now, I hope he's forgiven me. And I'm ready to see him again. Haymitch questions me on my sleeping patterns and that it's not good for the baby. I don't listen. As long as I'm sleeping at all, it's healthy for the baby... I think. Except, I'm exhausted. I'm almost a walking zombie.

We do the normal protocol and then I'm sent in, they say that somethings different with him and I am keen to know what because I didn't look into the window overlooking his room. The guard asks how I am today, I tell him the truth and say tired. He wishes me sleep in the future and lets me into Peeta's room. I almost cannot believe my eyes when I look and see Peeta. He's not strapped down! First instincts are to run out the door again, but it's instantly gone when he smiles widely at me.


"Hi." I say, heading towards the chair next to his bed.

"Apparently they're trusting me more." He tells me proudly, showing off his hands to me.

I nod my head and congratulate him.

I sink into the chair and sigh when I lift my feet up and lock my eyes with Peeta's. His face is fuller, even more colour than the last time I saw him. He's bulking up. He must be eating all of his meals, because he's bigger than he was last week.

"You're looking better." I say to him.

He gives a small shy smirk.


Peeta moves to face me on the bed, throwing his legs over the side and slipping down onto the ground in front of me. I move the chair back making room for him, making an awful sound against the floor.

"Sweetheart!" Haymitch hisses in my ear, I whip my head around to the window and glare at Haymitch through the glass and then turn to see Peeta and realise what I did. I startled him, moving away from him, he must think I'm trying to get away from him... How stupid of me.

I apologise to Peeta and then move to the end of the chair. He looks at me with vacant eyes, something I haven't seen since the baby's kicking freaked him out.


"Are you scared of me?" He asks seriously, face setting hard, jaw clenched.

I shake my head instantly, "No."

"You just moved away from me. What else am I supposed to think, Katniss?" He says, his voice getting louder.

"Peeta..." I breathe.

"I just wanted to give you room so you weren't squished against the bed. I thought you wanted to feel the baby again?" I say, exactly what I was thinking.

"I'm sorry, Peeta. I should have done it. I'm not scared of you. I promise." I explain to him rushed and feeling so guilty, ready to start crying again.

He takes a minute and calms down on his own. Then he opens his eyes and looks at me sadly.

"I'm sorry, sometimes they just hit me. I don't have full on attacks... I just don't feel like myself. I can manage to take control."

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