Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Apparently Peeta's back in hospital. I don't care. He wants to see me. I don't care. Haymitch keeps telling me that Peeta didn't mean it, it wasn't him. But, I still don't care. I don't listen to him. I'm now thirty-five weeks pregnant and I haven't see Peeta in two weeks. And frankly, I don't want too. Mom tells me this stress isn't good for the baby. It makes me laugh because she brings that up now. This whole pregnancy has been and caused the biggest amounts of stress. The situation which this baby is growing in, I'm surprised it's still alive. Must be strong. Don't know where she must have got that from, because it's definitely not from me.

"Katniss, he wants to see how you and the baby are going." Haymitch tells me as I lay with my back facing him in my mother's and Prim's compartment.

Anger boils deep inside me, I try and roll around to face him, but it proves difficult. Fucking bump... I glare at Haymitch when I do turn around. This angers me right down to my core. I'm bleeding with annoyance. I push myself up from the bed and I land on my very sore swollen feet.


I ignore him, I throw over a long-sleeved shirt over my head and I hobble out of the compartment, leaving Haymitch inside. I make my way to the hospital. The nerve of that fucking man. Soon Haymitch catches up with me, saying things to me, but I don't listen. I'm blinded by rage. I march into his observation room and everyone looks back at me and stares. They say my name, shocked by my sudden appearance.

"Open then fucking door." I tell them, waddling over to the door.

The door buzzes and I slam the door open, walking straight into the room. Peeta isn't tied to the bed. He's got his notebook in his lap and a pencil in his hand. I couldn't give a fuck what he was drawing.

"You are one of the most selfish fucking people ever, Peeta Mellark!" I start.

His eyes look up at me widened. I don't know whether from my words, my now known presence or what, but he is shocked.


"Fuck you, Peeta! Seriously, you are just so... You are worse than I am!"

"Excuse me?"

"You say you want to see how I'm going. That's fucking so wrong. You couldn't care about me. You only care about the baby. If you had a brain at all, you'd just say that."

"Katniss!" Haymitch yells behind me, grabbing my arm.

"No, Haymitch!" I pull my arm away from his grasp and I walk closer to Peeta.

"Don't ask about how I'm going if you couldn't care less. Because, I don't want to hear that you 'care about how I'm doing' bullshit. Because you clearly don't. You're just wanting to see your baby. Not me. So, fuck you."

"Katniss?" His voice sounds hurt, but not inside my mind when I hear his horrible revelations from two weeks ago echoing inside my head.

I turn around to go out of the door, I feel a small pain in my stomach, but I breathe through it. "Oh and because you were wondering..."

I turn around and look at him again, pointing an accusing finger.

"Your precious child has been keeping me up all nights and then all day. It doesn't stop. She's constantly abusing me from the inside. Like I needed something else to remind me about its existence."

I don't even want to see any more of his reactions. He's just making me feel worse. I don't dare bring up the fact that at the moment that all I want to do is jump his bones, no matter how I've currently been feeling towards him. I feel my heart racing and it's started to make my head spin. I stop and lean against the wall for a second, trying to get my heart rate down.

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