Ho Ho Ho

44 0 1

the picture above is not mine, it's from the internet

Draco's POV

As soon as I appear at the Hogwart's express I'm immediately greeted by Pans and Blay with a tackle hug where we ended up on the floor. "What did I say about hugging in public?" I ask but then start laughing, not being able to stay mad. "What do you mean? We haven't seen you in months and we haven't received any letters from you, we fucking missed you, even if you are a bitch." Pans said punching my arm. "Hey, I'm sorry okay, something happened over the break that kept me busy. And before you start asking questions, I'll tell you later in a less, crowded place." They nodded hesitantly and we got up walking to our compartment on the train. While Pans and Blay talked about their breaks, I just looked out the window not being able to get my break out of my mind, or more specifically, a certain dream.


"Practice Draco, practice or else your father and I won't be very happy." I ran to the piano and immediately started playing. 

"FASTER DRACO!!!" My mother yelled in my ear making me flinch. The next moment I'm expecting to feel a slap across my face when I wake up.

I wake up in a cold sweat and end up panting while sitting up in the compartment to Pans' and Blay's worried faces as they rush to me.

"Did it happen again Dray?" Pans asked already knowing the answer. I nod.

"We have to do something about those dreams, you're getting them more often recently, ever since the war." Blaise said rubbing my back to calm me down, "shhh, it's okay, it's just us."

But unbeknownst to them, there was someone listening.

Luna's POV (I know it's random for it to be Luna, but she's rarely brought up anymore)

I suddenly hear gasping nearby and go to investigate, I almost pass a compartment when I hear the gasping coming from it and look inside to see Draco looking sick and ghostly pale while Pansy and Blaise trying to comfort him. Other than Pansy and Blaise, I'm probably the only person who has seen the real Draco, accidentally. I just happen to be walking around when I come across them in a moment, thankfully they don't know I've seen it, otherwise they would act very differently towards me. I leave them be and walk to Ginny and my compartment.

Draco's POV

"Anyways, did you hear the news?" Pans asked.

"What news?"

"There's a new student this year, it's a girl but no one knows her name, neither have they seen her, this new kid is a complete mystery."

"She better not be in Slytherin, that's the last thing we need, another girl, Slytherin is already over half girls, if we don't get a bunch of boys this year I will literally go mad." I say groaning.

"Rude, girls are superior, though I have to partly agree, there are way too many girls that get emotional easily, like Hermione, I heard she broke up with Ron over the break and no one has heard about her since." Pans said. 'I wonder what she's been up to' Pansy thought.

"Well that's enough about Hermione Pans, you've been talking about her nonstop for the past few years, I need at least an hour break without you chatting on and on about her, just ask the fucking girl out Pans!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Shut it," she said but I could see the crimson sneaking up her neck.

I look outside again while they start bickering and this continues until we arrive at Hogwarts, though I can't say I'm looking forward to it, I may be able to escape my parents, but I bet the school fully hates me, maybe even a couple Slytherins and I was not looking forward to it. We leave the carriage and just as I thought, we were greeted by glares and whispers, but we just ignored them and climbed onto one of the carriages. As I was getting on I could have sworn I saw a flash of white out of the corner of my eye but I decided to ignore it.

Skipping to the sorting after the first have been sorted.

"I am happy to welcome all the new students this year to Hogwarts!!" Dumbledore announced after the sorting but I couldn't care less about what he said.

Y/n's POV

I hear Dumbledore starting to get the point where he was going to introduce me and put on a smirk, this was going to a fun year.

"I would like to introduce to you once again, after a year of leave from Hogwarts, Y/n Dracaena!!!" he shouted and I opened the doors and when I saw all the boys looking at me in desire I smirked. "She will be sorted again since she left, so Hufflepuffs? Don't except her to walk right over to your table."

"Ho ho ho to you too Santa Claus." I say before strutting down the middle isle while giggles surround me. I look at the Slytherin table and my eyes are caught by a pair of grey eyes and before I look away I could have sworn I'd seen a spark in his eyes, but I ignored it. I sit down at the chair and cross my legs in a bored way while waiting for Old Saint Nick to place that grumpy rickety hat on my head.

"Very interesting, it's nice to see you again, and I see something new inside you, I'll let it stay hidden for now, but I know exactly where to put you."

"SLYTHERIN!!" I smirk then head to the gasping Slytherin table, I see Theo and my smirk vanishes as I let out a small groan, I choose a seat as far away from him as possible, but it seems to only amuse him. Grandpa over there finally finished his boring speech and summoned the feast, but the sight of the food just made me vomit in my mouth, I try to push the food closest to me further away when someone starts walking towards me.

"Leave me alone Theo," I say, and he suddenly flies past the doors and out of the room. That's when I realize that I'd sat next to the guy with grey eyes and literally almost groaned again while pulling out a book. "Before you say anything, don't you ever bother me while I'm reading, you will regret it." I say looking him in the eye, but he looks confused.

"Your eyes are orange." He said in a non-questioning voice.

"Great, now thanks to you bothering me, I have to go," I say glancing at Santa Claus, he closes his eyes then nods at me. "Bye Bitch," I say saluting and apparating to the Slytherin common room and seeing which room I'm in.

Draco's POV

She left me wondering how she was able to apparate when Hogwarts had specific charms blocking people from doing that. I shook my head and let it go, turning to Pans and Blaise. "What do you think of her?" I ask and they look at me in confusion. "The girl with a white bob, purple eyes, called Dumbledore Santa Clause? Ring a bell? Plus, we literally knew who is second year, does she seem different to you?" They nod, but I start talking again. "I'm not so hungry anymore, I'm gonna go to my room," I said, and they didn't look surprised, I didn't eat much.

I head to the dungeons and whispered the code word, "veritaserum" and head to my room only to hear music, I slowly open the door and find the girl from earlier playing music on a strange device while clicking on some weird box looking object. She didn't even seem to realize I was there until she started talking.

"I know your there, you can come in, I won't bite." I hear greeted by a pair of familiar orange eyes.

1373 Words

I really hope you enjoyed this story, it's my first Harry Potter themed one so please feel free to give me constructive criticism on this to make it an actually good story.

Comment what you want to happen later in the book (I'm saying this because I need help writing this, I don't what to put in this so I need some serious help)

Goodbye my lovely readers!!😘

KeeperQueen out

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