The Inheritance Part Two

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Draco's POV

I catch her looking at me with surprise in her eyes before she runs off, but I can't focus on that as an earth-shaking headache launched itself on me, not even one second later I hear a blood curdling scream in the direction that Dracaena ran off in. I look up and see her screaming non-stop on the floor grabbing her head and crying with surprisingly big tear drops forming huge tear puddles quickly. She couldn't possibly feel what I'm feeling but then I hear her let out an even worse scream and when I look back at her we make eye contact. All I can see in her eyes is pain and terror before she closes her eyes again and looks like she's about to pass out as she takes in gasping wheezing breaths as the pain subsided. As soon as the pain was gone, I saw her shoulders relax and she let out a breath of relief, but I could tell that it affected her.

She was still shaking and her breathing was ragged as she stumbled to her feet and shakily leaned into the wall and looked back at me, but she looked entirely different putting me partly into shock. After she stands up I see her once red eyes turned black, her white bob had turned into long raven wavy locks that went all the way down to her knees. But what shocked me the most were the elegant but strong wings that extended from her back, the same color as her hair. 

Just as she was about to fall she flapped her wings and was upright again.


"I know we're enemies, but there's something you should know." She said looking me back in the eyes.

"What is it?"

"First, you need to take a look at yourself," she said pulling out a mirror. I looked in it and gasped in shock. I had large horns protruding my head and behind me I saw humongous eagle looking wings behind me. "Now, I know you're confused, I was too at first, this may be hard to handle but, you, Draco Malfoy, are a Veela."

"A what?" I asked even though I knew what a Veela was.

"A Veela Malfoy, though, more specifically a Head Veela, otherwise you wouldn't have that large of wings." She stated pointing at my wings.

"Okay, so I'm a Head Veela, what are you?"

"I'm an Elder Dragon." She stated calmly like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"AN ELD-" I started but she quickly flew over and covered my mouth with her hand.

"SHhhhh, don't be so loud, no one else can know." she sighed. "Do you know about inheritances?" she asks, and I shook my head.

"Okay. Magical creatures, like dragons and veelas used to rome the earth without any trouble, but then people decided to start hunting the magical creatures and they went almost extinct because of it. But then they decided that they would try to mate with witches and wizards, and in case you didn't know, mating meant having sex, they did this so that when the magical creatures finally went extinct, the creature DNA would still continue. So each magical creature that was old enough found a witch or wizard and mated with them, no one except the family knows of what's in their blood even the other magical creature families. My grandmother was one of the witches that they mated with, she mated with an elder dragon and ever since then the woman in my family has been gifted with the powers of an elder dragon at age 16.

The harder part is the whole mating situation, each magical creature has one mate, and if they don't meet, the magical creature inside the person goes mad and reckless and eventually kills the person. The magical creature doesn't have to marry their mate or actually have sex with them to continue the magical creature DNA, but they have to meet their mate that they have been destined to and share one kiss."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Shhhh, I'm getting there," I roll my eyes but stop talking. "As I was saying, your mate is who you are meant to be with. There's another part, the pair of mates are divided into two, one partner is dominant, and the other is submissive. The dominant in the pair is who leads them, the dominant grows at least five inches taller than the submissive and gets an outrageous amount of strength. The dominant is also very protective, possessive, and caring for the submissive no matter what has happened between them in the past, they could have been complete enemies but once they both get their inheritance, the dominate will always want to protect the other. They are even willing to kill other people for the submissive and will get extremely jealous and angry when another person hangs out with the submissive.

Then there's the submissive, submissives are a lot more emotional than the dominant and can get easily hurt. Though even with the emotional part, they can actually get really angry and annoyed very easily even if it's something as simple as someone stealing your quill. The submissive also changes in appearance, their hair becomes ridiculously long, and if they're an Elder Dragon like me, it'll become a different color entirely.

Without the dominant around the submissive, the submissive will become extremely agitated and will snap at anyone with no warning, then whenever they get upset, the only person that can calm them down is the dominant. As soon as both the submissive and the dominant get their inheritances, all this happens, the attitude changing, the different physical look, and once it happens, both will get an unnaturally good singing voice. The submissive's dominate's singing voice is the only sound that will help the submissive calm down, same with the dominate."

"Again, what does this have to do with me?"

"I'm bringing this up because," she sighs is exasperation, "we, are mates."

"No, no we aren't. Even if we are how do you know?"

"Because of how the mates find each other, with smell, everyone has a specific smell to them, but their mate's smell is entirely attractive to that person, everyone else's smells are too sweet, too sour, too anything. I hate to admit it but you, smell amazing right now. You smell of pine trees, expensive champagne, cologne, and among all that you could smell the sweet smell of mint and green apples but one of the best parts is that it smells like it does after it rains. And yes, that does sound cheesy, but if you pay attention and breath in deeply through your nose, you will smell a good thing, I promise, go ahead and try it." She says and begrudgingly and still in a bit of shock, I breathed in, and it was the most glorious smell ever.

I could smell a hint of lavender in the background as well as grass freshly cut, it's the smell of spring when all the flowers are in bloom around you. I could smell fresh chocolate chip cookies and it surprised me that it didn't make everything else smell bad, but instead it mixed with the other scents amazingly. The last thing I could smell was the smell of a campfire roasting marshmallows, it was the homiest smell I had ever breathed in ever before, and thus forced to admit to what Y/n was saying.

"What do I smell like, and don't lie, now that both of us have gotten our inheritance, I can feel your emotions as my own." I sighed in defeat.

"You smell of lavender and freshly cut grass, you smell of Spring while it's in bloom and it's as if you just made a large batch of chocolate chip cookies, then lastly you smell of a campfire roasting marshmallows."

"Awww, is the Draco Malfoy turning into a big softy?" she asks then breaks out into a fit a laughter that ended up with her on the floor.

"Shut it Y/n." I said that realized what I said and covered my mouth, but it was too late.

1420 Words

Hello again, I hoped you like this chapter, I know this one didn't take much longer than a couple hours, but it was still hard to make so I hope you enjoy reading it.

What is Malfoy regretting he said?

What are they going to do with their situation?

You can only find out by reading!!!

And please comment, it gives me hope that you guys actually like the story, and I'm open to constructive criticism.

Goodbye my lovely readers!!!😘😘😘😘

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