Malfoy Manor

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Y/n's POV

We apparated to the Malfoy Manor and let's just say I was surprised, I thought it would be dark and kind of creepy, but it was the opposite. Instead of the expected black and brown, it was actually a gorgeous shade of black on the roof and on the walls were a dark green.

"It's not what you were expecting was it honey?" Cissa asked. I shook my head. "After the war I decided to have it redone, I wanted to change how it looked because everything just reminded me of what the world was like with Voldemort still around." Cissa glanced at the sunset as if her mind was drifting off in thought but she was brought back to it in a couple seconds. "Anyway, let's go inside." Cissa led us inside and the interior didn't surprise me as much, it matched the outside with a deep Slytherin green on the interior walls. But it was a gorgeous house, probably the most gorgeous house I'd ever been in, and to think, this is going to be mine once I turn 18.

"It's beautiful, it surprises me to find colors from the other houses though."

"After the war the Malfoy family didn't have to act so regal anymore so we thought that adding different objects and pops of color from the other houses at Hogwarts to show that we aren't the same as we were before the war. To show that we changed." Mr. Malfoy said and I saw him under a new light, instead of the strict man that was loyal to Voldemort, he was a caring man that loved his son and wife.

"Well you've done a great job, it's looks magnificent." I said and they gasped. "What?"

"Your eyes just turned green my dear." Cissa said. I looked at Mr. Malfoy and he nodded.

"Well that is one of the properties of a dragon Cissa." She grinned.

"I knew you were, from the length of your hair to the way you carry yourself. Let me guess, you're an Elder Dragon am I correct?"


"That works splendidly with Draco being a Head Veela and all it's perfect for you two to be mated." She said clasping her hands together.

"How did you know we were mated?" Draco and I asked at the same time.

"Well for one you two look basically inseparable based on how you two have been touching in some way the entire time we've been here. Plus, I saw the look on Draco's face when Lucy here took Y/n away for a talk, his eyes were black and he looked like he was about to pounce on his own father."

"Narcissa I told you not to call me that." Mr. Malfoy said.

"And I told you that I will for as long as I shall live."

"So you're say-"

"Don't you dare say that, it's ghastly, Lucy." Draco, Cissa, and me burst out laughing, I saw myself in a mirror in the hall and saw that my eyes had turned neon pink, and my horns and wings were out. Thankfully it was a very large hallway or else I would have bumped into multiple things by now.

"I'm sorry about the wings, I didn't mean to."

"No no it's quite alright dear. Woah, those really are some gorgeous wings, the most beautiful I've seen in a long time. Have you seen anything like them Lucy?" Cissa said walking closer to me.

"I have, but only once. You said you are an Elder Dragon?" Mr. Malfoy asked.

"Yes, I even took a test and it said that I was an Elder Dragon."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, even if I hadn't taken the test I would still be sure that I was because it was an Elder Dragon that my grandmother mated with." "Why?"

"I'm not sure, I'll have to have you take a couple tests if that's okay with you?" I nod. "Okay, I'll have to make a call, I'll be right back." He said walking into a room down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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