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For this I want all of you to forget that Y/n is in Slytherin, she still acts the same but because of how well she was doing in school they moved her to Ravenclaw. Byeeeee!! Also it's not taking place in fourth year but I'm including the yule ball sometime in this story and it's after the war but Umbitch is still included because I need a little drama. Also pretend that I didn't say Luna knew about the whole dragon thing because I had a whole conversation about you explaining to her a situation. So just for that conversation forget about that little detail.

Y/n's POV

I much enjoyed the past couple weeks, I was doing amazing in school, I got to catch up with 'Mione, Ron, and Harry, I got to teach Malfoy a lesson literally every day, it was glorious, and I even was able to move over to Ravenclaw, so I didn't have to wake up to that pretentious snob every day. He may be as hot as hell, but he's also obnoxiously prideful and arrogant. But these couple weeks couldn't prepare me for the rollercoaster of a day that was about to happen.

I get to be roommates with Luna thank God, if I was roommates with anyone else I would literally end up biting their heads off. I wouldn't do that with Luna for multiple reasons, one she's so chill she always ends up agreeing so I wouldn't get mad, and two, she's too kind for her own good. Luna's also one of the only people who knew that I was an Elder Dragon, but that was because I was allowed to tell a few of my closest friends that I knew wouldn't snitch. And Luna would never snitch, least of all on me, we became best friends right away, we took one look at each other at Hogwarts express and we immediately bonded and started talking right away. I've never been that close to anyone except for my mother and Max. Plus, I needed someone to cover for me when I took my nightly flight, my mother told me that when I got my full inheritance I would need to fly often to bond with my inner Elder dragon even if we didn't talk. But even with us being BFFs, I was still worried for Luna's safety because I could tell from the glances, he sent our way whenever we hung out, he did not like it one bit. But I'd talked to him about it and reassured him that there was nothing going on and thanks to the whole empathy reading thing, he believed me, but I still caught him giving Luna a few glares every now and then. The worst thing was for Draco was that he couldn't hang out with me in public, otherwise we would definitely draw attention to ourselves, and we didn't want that, not yet at least, I still didn't fully trust him, plus he was rude to other students, so I have definitely not excepted him yet. So, I basically ignored him, focused on my studies, and I could tell that he was pissed greatly, I took a little joy in being able to annoy him.

I was walking along one of the corridors and heard punching and kicking and I started running towards the noise, and what I saw shocked me. I saw a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor beating the shit out of Draco, he had a black eye and a bloody face, and it angered me beyond reason, I could feel my eyes turn white as Draco met my eyes and smirked slightly.

"Why are you smirking you prat?" the Gryffindor spat kneeing Draco in the stomach.

"Because you guys are about to regret this moment very much, I suggest you turn around." They turned around to me with my hair out of the braids I'd had them in earlier surrounding me, my eyes were the murderous white that I knew too well lately but I didn't care. I was suddenly ingulfed in a bright red light and I started walking forward leaving scorched footprints behind me.

"Let. Him. Go." I said slowly not stopping.

"Now why should we do that?" the Gryffindor asked in an arrogant way, but you could tell he was terrified.

"Because of this," I said and I didn't even have to raise my arms before hornets came around the corner and started stinging the two, I called them off and had them wait behind me. "Now, as I said before, LET. HIM GOOOO!!!" I said my last words booming with a growl behind it. They ran off as fast as they could and I returned to normal and walked to breakfast. I walked in to find half the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were either glaring at me or terrified. My eyes turned a little red with anger and they stopped glaring at me and my eyes returned to their usual color of purple as I sat down at the Ravenclaw table next to Luna who was reading her father's newspaper and she looked up at me with a smile.

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