Chapter 9

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Luke POV

After we rehearse Julie stays in the studio with us. We dared each other to stay up all night. Reggie was the first to fall asleep. Then Julie had an idea.

"Ooo we should draw on his face," She said excitedly

"That'd be funny," I say, "But what do we write?"

"Hmm," we all say deep in thought

"Wait, I have an idea," Julie says as she walks over to the shelf and grabs a washable marker and kneels next to Reggie. She draws a bunch of hearts on his cheek. Wait...Does she like Reggie? No way. I wanted to snatch the marker out of her hand but then I saw her giggling as she wrote a a name. What? I looked at Alex and he was just as confused as me. She stands up and walks back over to her place on the couch. She smiled mischievously.

Alex was the first one to ask, "Julie what did you put on his face?"

She smiled and said, "Go check,"

We walked over and saw that I almost burst out laughing at what she wrote. She wrote Relynn on his cheek and a bunch of hearts and lips. Thank God she doesn't like him- snap out of it Luke, Julie can like whoever she wants. We walked over to the couch and me and Julie shared a look which made us both burst out laughing.

"What's so funny? I don't get it, who's Relynn?" He asked

"It's Reggie and Flynn's ship name," I answered wiping tears from my eyes

"Ohhh Okay," He said, "And remind me what a ship name again?"

"It's a name used to describe a couple or people we want to see get together or are made for eachother" Julie says

"Ohh okay so like you and Luke right," He jokes so Julie throws a pillow at him, "Your ship name would be Lulie? Ew no. Juke? Yes that works Juke"

"Um I think I go to bed now thank you very much," Julie said stuffing her face into a pillow clearly blushing

"Yeah I second that come on Alex bunk go," I said shooing him off

"Whatever I stand by that though good night Juke!!" He said from the bunk
I rolled my eyes and yelled "Good night Williex!"

"No fair!! Willie's not even here!!" Alex yelled back

I hear Julie laughing in the background and walk over to her, "Night Jules,"

"G'night, wait, where are you going to sleep?" She asked

"This floor is pretty comfy with enough pillows," I say

"Oh, gosh you sleep on this bed don't you?" She said, "Here I'll move,"

"Julie stay there I'll be fine on the ground I promise," I say blocking her from moving

"Come on there's space for two I can build a pillow border you can sleep on the other side," She says arranging pillows, "My mom would kill me if I made you sleep on the floor,"

"Reggie's on the floor," I said

"Well he fell asleep there in his bean bag," She said patting the side next to her

"Ugh fine but keep to your side," I said

"And you keep to yours," She said to which I roll my eyes

That night I slept side by side with Julie. The pillows in between us represent the line that exists between us even if we can't see it.

~Question of the day: Which celebrity would you choose to be your best friend?
Word count: 588

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