Chapter 1

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" Maylah you gotta get up.!" Crystal yelled from the bottom of the stairs

"She's just like her mom.!" Eva said

"If she's late her father will deal with that.!" Crystal said

"Speaking of her father-

"Nope.!" Crystal responded

"What.? You didn't even know what I was about to say.!" Eva said

"Doesn't matter bullshit fall from your lips anyways.!" Crystal said

"Damn did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed.?" Eva ask

"You know what you did-

"No I said fall back-

"After I almost got my ass kick-

"Come on... that cop loves chasing you around Atlanta.!" Eva said

"That's not funny.!" Crystal said

"What's not funny.?" Maylah ask walking into the kitchen

"Oh nothing your mom is just a little bit of a bitch today.!" Eva said

"Why.? Your date wasn't good.?" Maylah ask going into the fridge to grab a bottle of water

"Mhm a date huh.?" Eva ask wiggling her eyebrows

"Eva find you something to play with.!" Crystal said

"Oh no, really so it didn't go good.?" Maylah ask and Eva chuckled cause she knew Crystal wasn't on no damn date last night

"Let's just say...

"Mom no, you been single for too long.!" Maylah said

"Excuse me.?" Crystal ask

"Maybe it's your pride.!" Maylah said and Eva choke on her coffee

"Please enlighten me.!" Crystal said as she folded her arms

"I'm just saying the last guy I saw you with was with dad.!" Maylah said

"Speaking of him-

"Let it go.!" Crystal said

"What did I miss.?" Maylah ask looking between her mother and aunt

"Nothing but you gonna miss the bus if you-

"Oh dad coming to pick me up.!" Maylah said

"Why.?" Eva ask

"He said he wanted to talk to mom.!" Maylah responded

"He could've texted-

"Yeah but I told him not to cause I knew you were going on a date and his response was that-

"Wait... wait... you told your father that I was on a date last night.?" Crystal ask

"Ohh I'm definitely staying for this.!" Eva said

"What did I do something wrong.?" Maylah ask in confusion

"No, just next time divert from telling your father my business.!" Crystal said

"Well I thought he wouldn't mind since you know he got a woman.!" Maylah said

"He got a what.?" Eva ask

"Long story.!" Crystal said

"When did this happen.?" Eva ask

"Mind your business.!" Crystal said

"See all them years in the army really got you holding secrets.! News flash you out of the service you can tell people business now.!" Eva said

"No cause ion like gossip.!" Crystal said

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