Chapter 3

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"Are you ready to tell me what happened.?" Crystal ask as she stood by Maylah door

"Are you gonna get mad at me.?" She ask

"Why would I be mad.?" Crystal ask

"Cause I didnt tell you what was going on at school." Maylah replied

"Ohh im piss-

"See I knew it-

"But im not mad at you Maylah." Crystal said

"You not.?" Maylah ask

"Just tell me what happened." Crystal replied

"Well these girls, I thought were my friends started making fun of me online behind a boy. I told dad but he told me not to worry so I didnt, but they kept picking. So yesterday after lunch one of the girls trip me with her foot-

"And what did you do.?" Crystal ask

"Nothing I just walk away but the other girl snatch my necklace and wouldn't give it back-

"Which necklace.?" Crystal ask

"The one you gave me, and I tried to get it back but she punch me in the stomach and ran away. Dad was waiting for me after school and I told him what happened, he made me fight them and I didnt wanna I just wanted my necklace back." Maylah said, Crystal went to cuddle her baby. She understood that she was piss off at Ian but Maylah needed her at this moment

"Then the whole school was laughing and pointing it was embarrassing-

"Shh its okay, its gonna be okay." Crystal said as she rub her back

"Why would he make me do that.?" Maylah ask

"I dont know but I will find out, you didnt deserve that and you will get that necklace back." Crystal said

"No, I dont even want it back-

"Who did I give that necklace too.?" Crystal ask


"Alright then, its yours and like I said you getting your necklace back." Crystal said

"I dont know how to fight-

"Dont worry-

"I dont want you to go up there, im already embarrass enough." Maylah said

"Dont worry about it, just let me take care of it." Crystal said

"And what about Dad.?" Maylah ask

"What about him.?" Crystal ask

"He's gonna know that I didnt go to school when they call today. I couldn't go looking like this." Maylah said

"You let me handle him-

"I hate him, I dont want to go back." Maylah said

"You dont mean that-

"Yes I do." Maylah said

"Maylah I understand you are hurt and your feelings are respected but you cant move houses every time me or your dad-

"So he was right.!" Maylah said as she move from Crystal arm

"Huh.?" Crystal ask

"Dad said you didn't want me-

"What.?" Crystal ask

"Yeah he said you wouldn't let me stay with you-

"Thats not what im saying and your father should've never told you that cause thats a lie. I always wanted you-

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