Chapter 14

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"Devale." Crystal Goan out

"What.?" Devale said

"My head is killing me and someone is clearly at your door banging." Crystal said as she turn over and Devale sigh as he sat up slowly. He look at his clock and seen that it was 9am in the morning and no one should be knocking at his door but he heard it his self. Devale quickly got up and rush out of his bedroom to get his door. Without seeing who it was he open the door

"Why are you here.?" He ask

"You really think we wasnt gonna talk about what happen last night.?" Yara ask as she push her way in

"Yara really.? Its 9 in the morning." Devale said

"So, we need to talk." Yara said

"What.? What do you wanna talk about.?" Devale ask

"You didnt answer my calls last night-

"My mind was everywhere and I wasnt on my phone." Devale said

"Okay im waiting." Yara said

"For.?"Devale ask

"An apology." Yara said

"For what.? I havent done anything to you." Devale said

"So sleeping with someone that cause your sister harm isnt enough for you to apology.?" Yara ask

"What.? No, my love life has nothing to do with you. Look I already talk to her that night about it when it happened." Devale said

"But she didnt apology." Yara said

"Umh she's not doing that." Devale said

"Devale I dont even know this person thats standing in front of me right now." Yara said

"Im the same guy nothing has change-

"Bullshit ever since you started fucking her you have change." Yara scream

"To you.! Crystal havent done anything-

"She fuck up your career-

"Thats a lie." Devale said

"The captain gave back your fucking badge and gun and you didn't take it and I know you didnt take it because of her." Yara said

"You right, I didn't take my job back because of Crystal because my job shouldn't have been on the fucking line in the fucking first place. Crystal pulled some strings and thats how I got my job back, if she didnt do that I wouldn't even have a fucking job to decide if I want to go back or not." Devale said

"Ohh so she get a hand clap for fucking up your job and then fixing it a job well fucking done." Yara said

"Yara I dont wanna argue especially at 9 in the fucking morning." Devale said as Yara look around

"Wait is she here.?" Yara ask

"Thats nun of your-

"Unfucking believable, you literally cant find anyone else in Atlanta-

"Yara I want her, and I will be with her if she's have me back. Its either get in line or fall all the way back cause she's not going anywhere." Devale said

"Devale your job is on the line, hell what the fuck are you gonna-

Yara stop talking once she look over his shoulder and Crystal was standing there, Devale look around and saw her as well

"You good.?" Devale ask

"Yeah I think I should go-


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