Chapter 8

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"Eva its 9 am in the morning." Kj said as she yawn

"What can this possibly be about.?" Mignon ask

"I have no idea." Eva said as they all sat around the table

"You call this meeting." Novi said

"Right so what are we doing here, this early.?" Preston ask

"I didnt call the meeting." Eva said as she rub her eyes, the gang had went out last night and had a ball just to be back up five hours later

"Then who did.?" Midnight ask

"I did." Crystal said as she walk in with hella paper

"Oh great." Novi said

"She can call meetings now." Kj said

"Okay can yall please shut the fuck up for once." Crystal said as she place the paper on the table

"Who you-

"GIRL im really not in the fucking mood for yall bullshit right now, we got bigger problems so shut the fuck and listen." Crystal said as she went to move the white board in front of them

"Crystal whats going on.?" Eva ask

"Can you hook this up for me.?" Crystal ask Mignon and she nod her head as she grab the tablet

"Whatever it is seems serious." Midnight said

"Okay so I couldnt sleep last night, all I was thinking was the bomb and then the shooting at the skating ring-

"You think thats connected.?" Mignon ask as she pass the tablet back to her

"At first no, but something just kept nagging me and nagging me. So I went digging." Crystal said and then her phone rang and it was Devale

"Hey, im here but I dont see anything." Devale said through the phone as he yawn as well

"Hold on im coming." Crystal said as she hung up the phone

"Wait you invited someone here.?" Novi ask

"Y'all invited Belinda so I didnt think it was a problem." Crystal said

"Everyone cant know-

"I get that but this is much bigger and we need his help." Crystal said

"Who.?" Eva ask

"Just give me a second." Crystal said as she ran out

"I hope you know what your doing." Novi said towards Eva

"Look, I know yall dont trust her but she's good people and that brain of her works overtime and doesnt stop. So let's put our personal feelings to the side and see whats going on." Eva said

"Y'all I think she's on to something." Preston said as he look at the plans Crystal had laid out on the table

"What is this.?" Midnight ask and then Crystal walk back in

"Ohh hell no." Kj said

"You brought the FEDS IN HERE.?" Novi scream


"Eva I done told you about that and he's blindfolded." Crystal said

"But I can still hear." Devale said

"Okay imma take the blind fold off." Crystal said

"This bi-

"Novi i promise I will kill you if you fix your lips and finish that statement with the police here." Crystal said

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