Chapter 17

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"Umh what are you doing here.?" Crystal ask once she opens the door and Devale walk straight in

"Umh hello.?" Crystal ask but Devale didn't say anything as he walk straight to the kitchen

"This motherfucker here.!" Crystal said as she closed the front door and lock it. She sigh as she slowly made her way towards the kitchen

"I brought food." Devale said

"Its 11pm." Crystal said

"You wasnt answering your phone." Devale said

"I had to umh-

"Dont lie to me." Devale said as he put the food down and look her way

"What do you want.?" Crystal ask

"They offer me a job, Captain." Devale said and Crystal nod her head and folded her arms

"Thats great." Crystal said

"Yeah if I take it." Devale said

"Why wouldn't you.?" Crystal ask

"Cause I have this woman that make me feel crazy, something I havent felt in probably over a year and umh. In order to take the job I won't be able to see this person again." Devale said and Crystal sigh

"And how do that make you feel.?" Crystal ask

"Like im losing myself and career-

"Then you should take the job-

"Even if that means losing what he had.?" Devale ask

"I dont wanna be the reason you lose your job-


"No let me finish... Your a great cop and umh I won't feel right knowing im the reason you stop being a cop and your career be on hold." Crystal said

"So what now.?" Devale ask

"I.. I think you should leave." Crystal said

"Dont say shit you dont mean." Devale said

"Devale this chance might not come around and they can easily pull your badge away again-

"Im willing to walk away-

"What why.?" Crystal ask

"Cause I actually feel something for you-

"Couldve fool me." Crystal said

"Whats that supposed to mean.?" Devale ask

"Nothing... nothing." Crystal said

"I know that this is new-

"So no hard feelings right.?" Crystal ask

"Why are you being like this.?" Devale ask

"Like what.?" Crystal ask

"Like you pushing me away, we were good this morning." Devale said

"Its late-

"And I'll go once we finish our conversation." Devale said

"Ion know what else to say." Crystal said

"Say whats on your heart." Devale said

"You dont want me to do that." Crystal said

"Whats that supposed to mean.?" Devale ask

"Do you have anything you wanna tell me.?" Crystal ask

"No why.?" Devale ask

"Nothing at all.?" Crystal ask

"If you have something to say then say it." Devale said

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