The woods

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((story time! One more warning before we get started, as a reminder this story has crude language and gore! If you don't like that then read my other story, but if you like it enjoy!))

It started like any other day here in boring in my dumb old town, it was now summer and no more school so after I woke up I lounged around playing games all morning when I heard a whisper. "Good job" it said after I beat the boss, I thought I was going crazy so I decided to turn off the game and have some food, when I got upstairs I looked at the clock. "Noon, Damn I thought it was later than that, I only started at like 10" I said then got breakfast when my brother came down and patted my head "Jacky I'm going out be back later" he smiled and grabbed his keys. "Wait" I said "does mom know?" I asked not really caring but if she didn't I had the opportunity to be a snitch. He looked at me nervously and said "wellll umm you see I asked mom but she never got back to me" I thought about it for a moment "give me five bucks and I won't tell mom" I smirked and he sighed giving me a you have to be kidding me look. When I raised a brow he sighed "fine look in my old geometry book" he groaned and ran out "THANKS" I yelled after him than ran up the stairs. After looking through three geometry books I found his, wallet took out a five and stuffed it in my pocket then I went to my room grabbed my speakers and returned to my living room. I plugged my iPod in the speakers and started playing my favorite song almost on full blast. My neighbors told me they had left for the week so they weren't home to yell at me, after I started singing "we'll put a boot in your ass it's the American way, hey Uncle Sam put your name at the top of his list..." I then went for a drink. I was getting bored so I got on my computer and talked to cleverbot. After a few minutes of chatting it started getting creepy it asked 'where do you live' 'that's crazy' I thought 'ah-ha, up your butt and around the corner.' I was proud of my answer, that is until I saw what it replied with 'how is that possible when I can see you are in your living room' it was eerie. "Okay we're done" I freaked out a little and closed my computer. 'It's just being weird is all' I thought hoping it was true, then my dog came to me begging for some attention so I let her outside but when I looked down towards my woods I saw a someone standing there but when I blinked they were gone. I rubbed my eyes and just closed the door thinking I was crazy and looked at the clock. "2 o'clock" I said to myself that's when I got a txt from my mom. 'Hey go outside sometime today, get some fresh air' I groaned as it was so hot outside but I grabbed my skate board and helmet and headed outside. I walked my board to the top of my drive way, the first time I went down I was nervous but I always am when I start. I had my headphones in so I started to sing quietly to myself when my phone buzzed so I stopped and checked it 'hey is mom home yet?' my brother asked me I said no but then my mom texted me. 'Sorry,  won't be home till late' so I texted my him back and went on my way skating down the road. After a while I went inside and got a drink. "Oh my God" I said aloud "it's been two hours?" I asked myself then let my dog in and sat on the couch until 3:30 then grabbed my board and headed outside again, this time, since my mom wasn't going to be home for a while, I went to the top of my hill and rode down. I went pretty fast and it was fun so I went again and again until I checked my phone, it read 5:00 "I have to feed my dog" I said to no one in particular then went home after. I fed my dog then sat in the kitchen watching T.V and eating a sandwich, I started. I decided to go back out for one more go around 7:00 it had started to get dark but I could still see so I thought 'well I'll go till I can't see' and left I took my headphones out to listen for if my mom came home. After a bit I thought I heard whispering so I just stood and listened the only thing I thought I understood was 'woods' I started to board and I dared to look there was that damn guy again. "HEY!" I yelled and fell off my skateboard, I scraped up my leg and looked at the blood for a minute like I was unsure of what just happened.

((what'll happen next? Oh my goodness leaving you to think about It, hope y'all liked it thanks for reading))

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