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((hey guys im back, im so sorry ive been away and I didn't mean to be gone but you know, life got in th way... harsh language will be used in tis chapter, hoe you enjoy reading)

 "Toby and...and Ben are in Toby's room...Toby put me out here"Jeff pet my head then picked me up and shushed me by rocking me back and forth. "Hey shhhh I'll take you to slender" he said softly Jeff walked a little and ended up a two large French doors "hey slender man I'm sorry but I can't knock" he yelled through the door. It took a second but the man from inside replied "enter child" and the doors opened, when Jeff walked in I buried my face in his chest not wanting to see the slender man knowing he hypnotizes people through eye contact. "Shhh" he whispered then sat down in a chair with me on his lap my face now in the crook of his neck "hey" Jeff said "he's nice he won't hurt you" he said louder. Jeff kissed the top of my head lightly then I picked up my head to look at the faceless man he was behind a big desk I noticed my stare right into his eyes so I averted my eyes to the floor "why are you here child?" he asked with a deep voice. I looked at Jeff and he gestured to the slender man saying "go on, tell him" so I cleared my throat then began to speak "well mister uh slender man sir I hear you changed my bandages and I heard you could uh heal me faster" I whispered the last few words out of fear.

Slender man stood and walked over to me "can you stand my dear?" he asked reaching out an arm "no sir" I said with my head down "no need to be ashamed child" he said putting the hand on my head "how did this happen?" he asked in a soft voice "if it was one of the pastas there will be consequences" he boomed. Jeff put his head down a bit I knew I couldn't tell what really happened or Jeff could get hurt and he did, sort of, save me but Jeff started to speak "it was-""it was an accident" I said cutting him off so he wouldn't get in trouble. I continued "you see it was dark in my house and my foot slipped on the stairs" I looked at Jeff and he stared wide eyes, well normal eyes for him, but I needed to keep him out of trouble. Slender man then looked at Jeff and tilted his head "Jeff do you have something to say?" he asked "like how if you weren't there how did you bring her here?" he questioned "I fell and screamed that's how Jeff and Toby heard me" I answered. "Then why was Jeff shot and why did they bring you here?" he asked thinking he had the upper hand but he was absolutely wrong "well my parents didn't care about me until I told them they would be blamed for my disappearance" I said smugly. "So they shot Jeff" I continued and looked at Jeff with sad eyes "and... I'm so sorry for it Jeff, they shouldn't have shot you" I then lowered my head. Jeff took his thumb and forefinger and pulled up my chin "Jacky" he said softly "it's not your fault, it was your parents" he continued. We both then looked at slender man and he nodded and said "give her here" my eyes opened wide "relax" he continued "I'm only going to check damage" he said picking me up. "This may hurt a bit" he said quietly I only nodded, I looked at his back he grew two tendrils he put one on my leg and one on my fore head while holding me in his arms. His tendril wrapped itself around my leg and at first it didn't hurt but then he started adding pressure so I squeaked but stayed quiet "hmmmm" he muttered then let go of my leg and gave me back to Jeff.

I was still tearing up so he rocked me back and forth "your leg is strained" slender man said turning to a file cabinet and pulled out a vile "take this and I will heal you in three hours" he said handing the vile to me. I looked at it and wanted to ask a question but figured I would know what is in it eventually "this isn't poison is it" I asked honestly afraid "no child" he chuckled "I wouldn't kill you I want to see your worth first" he said then sat at his big desk.

"Now you may show yourself out" he said gesturing to the door. Jeff picked me up once more as we heard a "SON OF A BITCH" scream from down the hall we all rushed to who yelled then saw Toby and Ben were still fighting on the floor. "HEY" I screamed, they both turned their heads to me looking shocked "both of you knock it off" I said sternly. Toby got off of a pissed off, bloody nose Ben and walked to me while Ben went to what I assume is his room "so" Toby started to ask "what happened while I was umm occupied?" He asked petting my head "well slender man is going to help me" I said pointing to the tall man. Toby smiled and took me into his arms, he held me like a child with my legs around his waist, I didn't mind I kinda liked it until he started to sway then I got pissed "hey asshole I'm not a little kid" I whispered Jeff and slender chuckled. "She may have some potential if she can break up a fight and mouth off to you" Jeff said then I heard heavy footsteps go down the hall.

((hope y'all liked it, i'll try to be on more often))

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