The pastas

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((part two! thanks for sticking with it! so this is where a lot of crude language comes in, just a warning, enjoy!))

I looked to the woods and saw the figure take a step towards me but then it hesitated before it ran into the woods I stood slowly and didn't feel any tears threatening to fall so I sighed and walked home, though it did hurt like hell I just ignored it. When I got in my house again I took a better look at the gash in my leg and arm, there was more blood than I thought, mom would get passed if I got blood on the carpet. I took paper towels and a bowl of water out back where I could clean up and she wouldn't see it. I sat on a chair and put my stuff on the table, I ripped off a towel and dipped it in the water as I brought it closer to my leg my hand started to shake. I put my leg on a chair and bit my wrist to dull the noise as I started to dab my leg with water I wanted to scream. 'Why'd it have to start hurting now' I thought to myself before pressing the cold water against my wound and a tear escaped my eyes.

Jacky timeskip pov~

I saw my moms car come down the driveway and I freaked out hoping she didn't see me but I was dead wrong. My mom came out back while I was wiping my leg, I looked at her and at first she looked upset then she looked angry as she grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet. I looked out to the woods trying to avoid her gaze and I saw a shadow, it was the same guy from earlier, or at least I think so, I gave him a pleading look since I knew she was furious. I could smell the alcohol on her breath "why the hell is there blood on my carpet" she growled and pointed to the small drops, I fucked up "I can explain" I pleaded "like hell, clean it up" she yelled. she pushed me and with my leg messed up I lost my balance falling to the ground 'shit' I thought 'I hope brother gets home soon' I had totally forgotten about him. "When your done here you better clean the fucking floor at the front entry" she growled and went up to her room, as soon as she left I pulled out my phone and texted him that I'd leave the door open. I started to clean not wanting my mom to get mad and my brother rushed in but tried to keep quiet, he took a deep breath when she didn't catch him but when he saw me he flipped "are you alright" he helped me up and I nodded. "did she do this" he asked and I shook my head explaining what happened and he understood "lets get you to bed" he helped me up the stairs and told me he'd finish cleaning. a little while later I was on my computer when my mom came in and hit me "leave your brother to clean up after you, princess" she hit my leg making me tear up but I wouldn't let myself cry "he wanted to help me" I shouldn't have opened my mouth. she hit me again as I started to cry "your such a freakin baby" she scoffed. I wiped away my tears "I'm not a baby" I muttered,  should've shut my mouth "excuse me bitch" she growled getting in my face, alcohol that's all I could smell "I'll give you something to cry about" she had her belt on her so I shrunk "I wont cry anymore I swear" I pleaded and she stood. she walked to my door but turned around "if I hear one sniff, I'm coming back" she left and I held my chest like my heart was going to fly away and before I could cry I went to sleep.

New pov~

I saw Jacky this morning, she was so pretty and I wish I could talk to her but sadly I can't, I know shed freak out if I just went up and talked to her. I saw her look into my woods so I stood where she could see me and the look on her face was hilarious, especially when I moved back so she couldn't see me and I held in my laughter and later watched as she started to skateboard. I felt proud she's no girly girl like most others and damn she loved that skateboard with her whole being as she rode it almost everyday. I left after a while to go back to the house to talk to my friends and tell them about my disappearing act, they thought it was funny and we had a good laugh before it got dark and I left to check on Jacky like I normally did before she went to bed. To my surprise she was still outside and must have heard me walk up because she yelled at me then, she fell. I wanted to run over and help her but if I did I'd surely get my ass kicked by Slenderman or her so I stayed hidden just watching from afar. I had to watch as she had to help herself and when her mom came home she was tortured, I ran home to talk to a few friends. "Toby you cant be serious, that human girl" Jeff asked and Devil nodded "Slender said no one comes in if their sane" she didn't want to break rules but Toby didn't listen "Jeff were going to kidnap her"

((oh first look at the creepypasta characters, and a shout out to iamtheblondone hoping I portrayed Devil correctly?? well I hope y'all liked it thanks for reading))

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