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((part three oh my goodness, thanks for sticking with it and I hope you like it so far, language warning that's all, enjoy))

 Another man came from down the hallway "what the hell Jeff get her out of here" the man said growled and pointed to me, he wore orange goggles, a gray-ish hoodie and dark jeans with his hood up, shit why do they need me, I asked to myself trying to stand but I couldn't with my twisted ankle. The so called Jeff runs back up the stairs and the two start to fight and plan to scare the crap out of my parents. The other boy ran down the stairs picked me up and ran out the back door he lied me down on my back beginning to ask "are you-" he was cut off by a gunshot and Jeff screaming. "Oh shit" he muttered "I'll be right back" he says hurriedly then rushes inside I pull myself into a chair looking for my cell to call the police when I heard a second shot but I must have dropped it on the stairs. When the boy returned he had Jeff's arm over his shoulders with Jeff limping with blood coming from his leg and side. "Can you stand?" the boy asks I shake my head starting to feel pain once more "shit" he exclaimed aloud "think you can slender walk?" the boy asked Jeff holding him up. Jeff shrugged and disappeared but ended up a few feet away on the ground coughing up blood "JEFF" he yelled running to his friends side. "Jacky listen" the boy said angrily "how do you-" I started but he cut me off with a growl "just shut up listen to me" he paused "don't say one word and close your eyes, no peeking" he ordered "b-but why?" I asked scared of what he would do to me. "Just don't damn it, if you want to live you'll trust me" since I valued my life I complied to his words nervously and . Out of curiosity I peeked to the boy as he started calling someone when a man appeared and then I felt my head get fuzzy and ears ring, I didn't get a good look at him but he wore a suit and I'm not sure he had a face. I closed my eyes and covered my ears when I heard a booming voice almost yelling "give him here child I shall keep him safe, is she prey?" he asked his voice full of venom that made me shiver. "NO" the boy boomed "LEAVE HER ALONE" he yelled I felt a presence in front of me 'was he protecting me?' I asked myself confused before the booming voice became quieter "alright then child I'll be off then" he said calmly then the pain was gone. "Hey" he whispered "you're good now" he said nicely and I pulled my hands away from my ears and opened my eyes, a light blush coating my cheeks as I saw how close the boy really was. I turned my face away to forget his face, hopefully he'd leave me alone to go back to my brother, he pet my cheek and stepped closer only to kick my foot which made me wince in pain. He looked at me sympathetically before picking me up bride style "please don't take me away, my brother needs me" I pleaded when I heard him call my name, the boy ran into the woods and I yelled for my brother as I saw him in the doorway with the gun, he shot Jeff. The boy only ran deeper into the woods and when he got as far as he wanted he sat under a tree to rest with me on his lap "are you alright?" he asked "I'm Toby by the way, I'm so sorry Jeff hurt you I told him to be careful but he never listens" he said looking annoyed. "Please" I whispered to get his attention "let me go" I said crying then he pulled me into an embrace and stroked my head almost lovingly then answered "I'm sorry I can't, you are coming home with me" I picked my head back up. Seeing blood on his jacket I got scared and asked "did you kill them?" he hesitated "Your parents? Well no I just scared them is all I swear" he answered looking into the distance. "Well...may I ask" I started but stopped afraid of the answer "what is it little one?" He asked his voice so soft and comforting I answered "a-are you a killer?" I asked him shaking a bit. He looked to the ground ashamed "well yes but I couldn't see you suffer anymore, I hated myself every day I didn't help you" he said pulling my head to his shoulder gently. My eyes widened 'he was watching me?' I thought terrified but soon realized he was the shadow man that I saw I tried not to freak out but I started to feel light headed the pain is to unbearable my body is putting me to sleep so I don't feel it. I brought up my head slowly "Toby" I breathed out "Jacky?" he asked lifting my head with his forefinger and thumb he looked confused "I don't feel good" I trailed off passing out. My body finally shut itself down.

((it's a bit longer but I hope it's just as good, hope ya'll liked it thanks for reading))

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