The others

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((omg part five, I'm so sorry, school sucks but I'll try to write more now, language warning!!!! man killers are rude))

I awoke a few hours later to see I was in a room but not my room it was completely gray with blood splatters on the walls, a blood red carpet and a big bed with black sheets, thankfully no blood stains. I heard the door knob turn which made me jump and I hid under the covers realizing how much my leg hurt I held back a cry realizing it had no cast.

"Hey Jacky" the voice said but I recognize that voice it was Toby's soothing voice so I popped my head out from under the covers and started to speak "morning Toby, where are we" I asked yawning and looking around the room. He put his hand on my head saying "this my room in my home, wait till I introduce you to everyone" he exclaimed "everyone?" I asked utterly confused "yup, you're my girl now" he said happily grabbing my leg he must have forgotten I had twisted it hours earlier. I cried out and he put his hands up in defense "oh shit" he said putting his hands over his mask "I'm so damn sorry Jacky I-""just shut up" I yelled. "If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it" I said a little quieter "but Jacky-""NO" I yelled "Jacky please" "no I won't listen, you never cared and you never will" I yelled. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my mouth, Toby put his head down "Toby I-" I stopped there's no way he'd forgive me for saying he never cared since he saved me. "Its fine Jacky" he said then turned towards the door 'I can't let him leave I need to explain and let him explain' I thought. I stood on my good leg "Toby" I said but he ignored me "TOBY" I yelled and tried to step on my other leg but fell screaming until Toby rushed over. "Jacky you idiot" he said helping me up and laying me back on my bed "Toby I-""no it's my fault" he cut me off "I should have remembered because slender man wrapped your leg and he was going to change them because they had gotten a bit bloody from your cuts but you woke up" he then looked at my leg. It took me a minute to understand but I 'know' slender man I've heard of the rumors and games that were truly fun for a good scare. "The slender man?" I asked "yes" he answered plainly 'I'm surrounded by killers oh my god I just realized that Jeff was the infamous Jeff the killer' so I started to cry. Toby opened his arms I sat on the edge of the bed as he embraced me and stroked my hair lovingly. I wrapper my arms around him and buried my face into his chest "shhhhh" he cooed "I won't let them hurt you I promise" which made me think 'he is a killer also so does he just want to kill me first?' I asked myself which made me cry more "hey hey hey" he said softly. Just then I heard another voice "Toby quit cry-"he stopped as he walked in the room and saw me, I hid my face as much as I could. I was so scared who was he "get out of here" he ordered " I just want to see the girl" he said innocently "Ben I don't want you near her now leave" Toby growled like he was going to rip so called Bens head right off his neck. "I got it" Ben yelled "she's your new whore" he said getting closer to my face.

((yay, I finally uploaded!!! *cue the cheering kids from five nights a freddys* I'm happy, well hope y'all liked it thanks for reading))

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