Bad Dog

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A scratching sound was coming from the door. Mia rushed to the door and swung it open. She gasped as our family dog stood in the doorway. Mia hugged him so tight I thought she'd hurt him. I just stood in the doorway, feeling a mix between disbelief and amazement. Our dog, Rocky, had gone missing almost a year ago. Mia was heartbroken and made hundreds of posters looking for him. But no one ever called, I wasn't surprised. Rocky was a skinny dog, he had matted fur and had the build of a Great Dane. We didn't know what breed of dog he actually was but he seemed some sort of mix with a long fur dog. Maybe a golden retriever or a dark fur samoyed. He wasn't the type of dog someone would take home. But Mia loved him regardless. I didn't care much for him. He kind of creeped me out. He'd scratch and whimper at my door at night. But not a high-pitched scared kind of whimper, a deep freaky whimper. He never barked, he only whimpered. I didn't feel right being in a room with him, being alone was worse. He just stared at me and mutter-whimpered. It scared me so I never let him in at night. Mia thought I just hated dogs, but that wasn't true. I liked dogs, of course I was more of a cat person but I didn't hate dogs.


8/10. I like it but I didn't finish it. I started it after I watched a video that was something like "20+ horror writing ideas!" and I did get the ideas flowing, so thanks random youtube video I guess.

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