Nora - The Unmagic

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Nora's dream was to become the greatest witch in all of Hex City by entering Hexel, which is a contest for witches to become great by fighting against the best of the best.

She had fled from her hometown, Pinwood, and to Hex City where she could attend HMS, which stands for Hex Magic School. HMS is a school for the children of the best witches. She changed her name from Norma Pineson to Nora Prager.

Nora's favourite teacher was Miss Claw, Miss Claw was the only one who knew Nora was not the child of a great witch. Nora had lied and said Ann Prager was her mother. Ann Prager is Nora's hero and role model.

Nora lived in the back streets of Hex City, which are also known as Hex Alleys.

The sound of the alley cats' screechs awoke Nora. She looked up to see the dark grey clouds covering up the purple sun above her head.

She sat up from her bed. It wasn't a real bed, just some old and used paper towel. It was gross but it was better than nothing.

She walked over to the old desk she had found in the trash near her homebase. Above it hanging dangerously on the brick wall of the building in front was a shattered mirror. Nora looked at herself in the mirror. Her beautiful red hair looked like a bird's nest. She picked up her old broken hair brush and started running it through her hair. Soon her hair looked much better.

She grabbed her school uniform. And started pulling on her black and white striped stockings, she pulled on her checkered school dress and rolled the top down, she pulled her favourite black tee shirt on and pulled it over the rolled up top of her school dress. She grabbed her black mary jeans and threw them on.

Then she started running out of her homebase in Hex Alleys. She refused to be late on her first day of school at HMS. Her shoes made a tapping noise on the cracked cement. A strange sound filled the air around her. Nora...Nora Prager....Come... The sound spoke to her. Come you little brat!

"Not very nice, huh?" Nora snickered. She knew it was Mr.Podders, ever since she stole booze from his bar he's been after her. Nora didn't drink booze, she stole it for her good and strange friend, Lucky. Lucky promised her edible food if she stole some booze for him from Mrs.Podders' famous bar, Podders. In the witches' world there are 4 kinds of booze. Black Booze which is the worst kind, Red Booze which makes you sick for at least a week or two, White Booze which is the best and safest kind, and Purple Booze which actually heals any sickness the drinker has. Purple Booze is very rare, and it also happens to be Lucky's favourite kind. It's understandable why Mr.Podders is so mad Nora stole booze from him. She did steal his best Purple Booze.

Get me my booze back or pay for what you've done!

"Mr.Podders, you know very well that I haven't touched a single penny since Penwood!" Nora hissed under her breath as she dashed through the foggy alleyways. The wind carried her hiss up above the buildings. Nora's eyes followed it up to the top of a building, there was a shadowy figure. As the fog cleared away Nora saw it was Lucky. As he noticed that Nora was looking right at him he jumped down and landed gracefully on his feet.

"Well Nora, it seems you've figured it out. Mr.Podders said he'd give me his best bottle of Purple Booze if I get rid of the 'Nothief' as he calls you. Personally, I'd rather not kill you so why don't we make a deal?" Nora stared at Lucky. The fog was too heavy to see his face, but Nora could tell he was smiling from the glow of his shiny white teeth. From someone who's an alcoholic Nora had always been amazed by how white his teeth were, and a bit jealous.

"So what do you say, Nora?" Nora's mind snapped back.

"What was the deal?" Nora asked, Lucky's smile had faded.

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