My Nightmare Pig

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When I get into my bed to sleep I always leave a light on. Darkness scares me, it's so full yet it's so...blank. Empty. Void of everything. Sometimes I see shapes and colours in darkness, mostly when I close my eyes. Opening my eyes to find light is a feeling of safety for me. Little light is even worse. I feel like the shadows in the corners are growing and coming towards me. Sometimes I feel like I see figures in the shadows. Long thick hair, usually brown or sometimes black. Depending on the height of them, their hair usually ends near their hip. They're tall and lanky. With long skinny arms and legs. Their elbows and knees are blue and purpled. Sometimes they're bloody and gory like they'd been in a shark attack, missing limbs, bites taken out of their torso, damaged skin, etc. Their faces are hidden by their hair, with only their noses sticking out. They have hooked noses, not super hooked but more like the kind you'd see on a normal person. I imagine their faces are the faces of normal people. But their faces are sometimes hidden by a mask. A pig mask, it's realistic and covers their whole face. Their skin is a sickly yellow-ish green colour. They look sick, like they've been living in a barn their whole life. Most of the time their clothing is basic, just a white cloth covering their body like a hospital gown. Other times, they're wearing black pants. Not sure what kind of pants, but probably cargo or sweat pants. They're shirtless, but there's no muscle or nipples, just blank skin. They probably don't sound very scary but in the middle of night, with only the moonlight coming from your window and them in the corner half hidden by the curtain as if they're trying to hide from you. Staring. Breathing heavily. Watching. Your. Every. Move.


9/10. True story, which I haven't done in a while. This was mostly for practice writing. But it's pretty good seeing as I wasn't trying much. I like it but I feel it's lanking something.

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