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Hello my loves, i want to tell you some words, this is my first writing ever, and English isn't my first language, please after reading tell me your opinions in the comments so i can take them to my account and make this book better, thank you and have a nice day❤️

Elizabeth's pov:

I cooked romantic dinner for my boyfriend and I'm waiting for him to come so we could spend time together, i heard sound of door and got excited because it only could be him, i started walking to him to cuddle him when i noticed that he was so drunk, i got so frustrated and mad as soon as i saw his drunk eyes

"What the fuck is that robbie?"

"What you mean baby" he mumbled that words

"Why the fuck did you get drunk when I warned you about dinner i was making FOR YOU? my words mean nothing to you robbie?"

" don't be hysterical Elizabeth, boys invited me"

"Oh wow robbie wow, so boys are more important than i am? That's how you love me robbie? That's how you're going to show me the real love you were promising to me?"

"Elizabeth please stop, can we go to sleep?"

He said while barely keeping balance and that was the moment when I realized that it was pointless to talk to him right now, and that i couldn't stay with him anymore, so i decided to go for a walk and maybe get some drinks in the bar.

"You can go to sleep robbie, i need to get fresh air" i said and looked at his face with hoping that he would at least ask me to stay but it was another disappointment for today, he didn't even look at me, mumbled "okey" and went to upstairs.

I got my jacket and started walking, then i decided to go to bar and started drinking

After 2 drinks i was already feeling dizzy but my pain was disappearing, it hurts me how robbie acts, in the start he was an amazing guy, was giving me attention and love but now it only feels like that he doesn't care about me anymore, our life together is so monotonous and simple, it feels like we are 10 years married couple but it doesn't make sense because even after 40 years if you love you love.
After 4 glasses of wine i was already tipsy when i suddenly felt someone's hand on my arm, i looked at that person and some guy was smiling at me

"Hey beautiful, why such gorgeous woman as you are is alone here?"

"Hi, sorry i am not interested in talking to anyone" I answered and continued drinking my wine but seemingly he wasn't going to stop hitting with me

"Can i take you to my house pretty?" He said it in the most disgusting way and i felt like all alcohol which was in my stomach would come out and i would throw up

"Look, i don't search for a man, please leave me alone i want to drink alone" i said and get another sit next to me which was empty, he took my previous seat and when he touched me again on my shoulder i got panicked and couldn't even say a word to him.
I suddenly heard someone's voice

"Hey my love is everything okay?" I turned my head and saw really beautiful girl in front of me, at first i got confused but then i saw her wink towards me so i played with her

"Yes babe just some guy thought i was alone here" told her while smiling. She turned her head to that creepy man and started talking.

"I'm sorry man but that's my wife who you're touching right now, I would love if you could take your hands of her or i will have to do it myself, take it as my friendly warning;)"

she said it while smirking, when she said the word "wife" i felt some kind of warmth inside me, it felt nice to be called as someone's wife even if it was fake, i always wanted such life, family and kids, love and affection but for some reason i lack all of that and i am already 30 years old woman, i felt sadness inside me that it wasn't right whatever she said. I was thinking about all of this when i realized that he left us and it was only me and her

"Hi, my name's y/n, I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable when i called you my wife, i just wanted to make him leave without punching him" she said while smiling to me, i couldn't concentrate because her little laugh was so adorable and smiling was so beautiful.

"Oh no y/n don't worry about it, moreover, i am so grateful and thankful for you to save me from that creepy man, you're life savor" i tried to match her energy and we started laughing together, after some little talks she stood up and i realized that she was leaving

"Okey , so Elizabeth it was nice to meet you, now I'll leav..."

" please stay y/n" oh god, i just realized that i asked her to stay without letting her finish her sentence

"Are you sure?" She asked me with genuine smile on her pretty face

"Yes please "

In the morning

Elizabeth's pov:

Ughh, I groaned from headache, when i opened eyes I couldn't recognize the apartment and it made me confused and panicked, and whatever happened next freaked me out.

I saw y/n laying next to me naked her one hand on my nipple, I can't believe my eyes oh god what did i do, what did i do yesterday, i don't remember anything, god damn it Elizabeth what the fuck did you do, i froze and didn't move because i didn't want to wake her up, suddenly yesterday's flashbacks came to my head, i remember that she saved me from one man, i also remembered that i asked her to stay, that we drank a lot together while laughing and having fun but i can't remember how the fuck i am in her bed, i tried so hard to remember and boom everything flew in front of my eyes.

We had sex, damnit i had sex with her, i cheated on my boyfriend with a WOMAN.

I can't believe it I can't believe it, i started panicking when i remembered her kisses, how she checked multiple times if i was sure and if i really wanted that and my answer was yes every single time, how she suck my nipples and kissed my neck gently, how i was shaking from pleasure when she was giving me head, how my body reacted when her tongue was sliding down my body, I remember how i was screaming her name from the greatest pleasure Ive ever felt in my entire life, she was so gentle with me, she asked me if i was okay so many times and told me how beautiful i am a few times while process, robbie never did that, i never felt such warmth, passion, love and care from him.

Everything was in my head, and i can't even deny that I liked her touch, her kisses and sex with her, I can't say that it was mistake according to my feelings but my brain tells me different thing, I love robbie and I should leave this house before she will wake up, i won't see her ever again and this thought hurt me so much, but it was good for my life.

I carefully avoided her hand, searched for my clothes but couldn't find my shirt, I can't go out without shirt so i decided to take hers, she can have mine so it shouldn't be problem, i quickly dressed up and left her house like i saw ghost there.

I got home and it was empty, I checked my phone and there wasn't any notifications from Robbie, I breathed out and went to my room to get shower, this night will be my little secret which i will remember forever, the way she made me feel will stay with me forever. I started showering but couldn't get her out of my head, it felt like i got back from heaven to my personal hell, and it made me cry so hard.

We might meet again my beautiful y/n...

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