I love you y/n

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Hello dears, i am truly and genuinely sorry for not posting that long, i just had very stressful week, was working and had midterms. I failed in math tho fuck that shit👎🙄
Anyways, i wanted to tell you that because i didn't post that long i will make it up for yall with sweet chapter!
Share your opinion after reading, and play war of hearts if you want.
I will try to update more since now.
And i am so so so so grateful for every read, votes and support yall give me. If someone will need to talk to me text me on my TikTok account, my door is always open.
Now enjoy. Loves 💖


Y/n's pov

I left Elizabeth in room and went to start cooking, i love cooking, especially for special people and she's one of them.

After some minutes she approached me from behind, i looked at her, she was smiling so hard..

"What is it el?" I asked her

"Uhm nothing nothing" she answered me while trying to stop smiling

"Hmm there's definitely something Eli, what is it?"

She smiled at me, i am sure that this smile is about nickname.

"It's so wrong to say y/n, it's wrong to even think about it" she answered me now with sad smile

"Okay, but still el, what is it?"

"I can't help but love you y/n, even though i tried not to love you for years i can't help it, i can't do anything about it, i can't change the fact that i want you y/n, i can't change the fact that i see you in my dreams, you're coming to my dreams y/n, since you left only one thing which was making me happy was my dreams, and i was praying every day to see you there y/n.
I can't stop thinking about you, i can't stop wanting you i can't stop dreaming about what we could have if i wasn't such coward.
I love you so much y/n, i love you with my whole existence, i love you every day, every morning every night, i never stopped loving you, i never stopped thinking about you i never stopped believing that we could meet again.
I was blessed to have you and i fucked everything up, please don't let me do that again, please don't let me leave don't let me go, please y/n, love me, choose me, have mercy on me because i am dying without you i am dying from loving you, nothing makes me happy nothing makes me safe or calm, only you and thoughts about you.
Yes, i fucking love you even though i know it's wrong it still feels right, i damn love you even though i tried so hard not to, i can't take this pain anymore y/n. Please don't leave me anymore..."

She told me everything without breathing, her hands were shaking, her eyes were full of tears, her lips were shaking from nervous and i was standing in front of her without any words, she was looking at me in my eyes and was waiting for me to say something.

"Uhm you know what, nevermind everything i said, all of this was stupid mistake i am going home"

She said and started to picking her things

"Elizabeth wait" i called her still not being able to move, she didn't stop, i realized that she was too panicked to hear me like that.

I run to her, followed her until my door and grabbed her arm, she didn't move or turn around

"Elizabeth i called you to wait"

"I don't want to talk y/n, if you wanted to say something you would say"

"You didn't give me time Elizabeth" i told her and made her turn around, now she was looking at me and her face was in front of me.

"Can you let me go? I need to leave" she said without making eye contact

"No, you aren't going anywhere, especially in that house where your asshole husband is."

"You have no rights to stop me y/n" she was almost yelling at me

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