The truth we should see...

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Hello babiess, im truly sorry for not updating for so long but i couldn't find motivation 😔 if wattpad was paying me i would update in every second 😂😂

Here's new chapter and i will update another one tonight...
Also i have new idea for new book (you can check my tiktok) and i will start it after i will finish this one...
Probably this book will have 15 more chapters or 10 so stay stunned , love yall 💜


Elizabeth's pov

When i woke up i couldn't feel her body next to me, i got scared that she left me, i jumped from the bed and rushed out of the room

"Y/n" i called, no response

"Y/n where are you?" I asked again while entering the living room, she wasn't there

"Y/N" I called louder and felt how my eyes got watery

"What happened princess?" Finally she answered me and approached me from behind, i run to her, wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly

"Where have you been y/n? I was calling you"

"I was in the kitchen baby, was preparing breakfast for you and i had my headphones on, I'm sorry"

She answered me and wiped my tears from my eyes

"Let's go eat"

I followed her in the kitchen and i saw that she made me cute breakfast, fruits were cut in animals and flowers shape, and there was big bouquet of roses too

"When did you do all of this y/n" i asked her while smiling so widely

"When you were sleeping like a baby" she answered me and kissed me on my forehead

Everything was so perfect, she's so perfect, i didn't feel that safe, calm and happy for so long, she's everything i ever wanted.

I was in my thoughts when she held my hand and started speaking

"Elizabeth we need to talk" oh here we go again with this full name 🙄

"Why calling me Elizabeth and not el or lizzie or liz?"

"Stop being pouty baby el, i want to talk seriously"

"Okay what's wrong?"

"You're married Elizabeth, that's what's wrong"


"I don't love him y/n and you already know it"

"But you still decided to marry to him and are still married to him, what should i do? Close my eyes about that and be your affair? Sorry but i am not going to do that Elizabeth"

She answered me with obvious annoyance

"Y/n i just want to be happy, i just want to be happy with you, have family with you, all i want is you"

"I understand el but we can't continue that, you need to divorce him and i need to break up with Florence"

She said while holding my hand

Wait what? What Florence...

"What? What you mean break up with florence?"

"Oh come on Elizabeth i hope you don't think that i would stay like that after you broke my heart and ruined me.

"So you decided to fuck my coworker y/n?" I yelled at her

"Lower your tone Elizabeth"

"NO , go and fuck her again why are you here?" I yelled again

"It's cute when you're jealous princess" she said so calmly, her calmness is driving me insane...

"Listen to me princess, she was there when i needed someone and we got together, we have pretty open relationship and she's more my best friend but still need to talk to her because she's very important to me, i love her as a person as a woman and as my best friend"

She explained to me but i couldn't stop thinking about her loving florence

"If you love her why are you with me?" I asked quietly

"Because I loved you first, you're my first true and genuine love el and i am sorry if you want me to cut flo out of my life that's not gonna happen, she has important part in my heart but i can promise you that if you will decide to leave robbie and marry me then you will have nothing to worry about because i will be fully and only yours, and you will be only mine because you belong to me Elizabeth..."

Y/n told me and i got immensely happy when she mentioned me being her wife

"Can you kiss me?"

I asked her and without hesitation her lips were mixed into mine,
This kiss was passionate, full of love and rage, she was mad at me for choosing robbie back then and i was mad at her for letting someone fuck her and her fucking someone else, soon our kissing turned into something else, she bit my nipples and moan slipped out from my lips

"Btw, you have better boobies princess" she told me while smirking

"You asshole! Are you comparing me to her now?" I slapped her head and she started laughing

"Maybe, but you're mine now and since now if anyone else will touch your gorgeous body i'll kill them and then will fuck you that hard so you won't be able to walk for 5 days"

She answered me seductively and bite my nipples harder

"Oh dear god AHHH damn it y/n it hurts"

"I don't think you want me to stop, do you princess?"

"No no don't stop please, use me however you want"

i answered her a little embarrassed about how slutty i can be for her. She put me on our bed and started kissing me on my center


"Be patient or you won't cum at all" she answered me and i got silenced

She rolled her tongue inside my pussy and I rolled my eyes back from pleasure

"I'll make you see the stars dear"

she told me and oh dear god, she was right...


Elizabeth Olsen's Bodyguard Where stories live. Discover now