(14) Flowers and letters

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Here he is, the love of my life, the one I turn to when sadness weighs heavy, finding solace in the harmony of our heartbeats. Despite the painful rush of memories, Jimin remains worth every pang. With him beside me, all I can remember is the intertwining of our fingers and the gentle gaze he casts my way, murmuring, "I'm here for you, my angel eyes." when I felt utterly alone.

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?" he inquires, his gaze tender and his voice as soothing as a melody, wrapping around me like a comforting tune.

A recollection surfaces of our past conversations, bringing to mind the moment I sent him an audio message, to which he responded with the word "saudade."

"Chim, do you remember when I sent you that audio message, and you referred to it as saudade?" I inquired.

My question brought a smile to Jimin's face, and he gently placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Ahh, you're incredibly adorable, and of course, why wouldn't I? You were comforting me because I was missing you, even though you didn't know that I was missing you," he said, causing my cheeks to blush with a rosy hue.

"Also, what did you say, hmm?" he asked, pressing his index finger to his forehead as if pondering. "Ahh right,' if you're not a virgin then continue enjoying the dear life and have fun' do you want that now that you know who I am?" he asked making me to pout disappointment clear on my face. 

"Stop it, no woman would dare touch what's mine," I said, and his expression shifted into a smirk.

"What's the proof, angel eyes?" he asked, and I knew exactly what he was hinting at.

"You're testing me, Park Jimin. Just so you know, I'm not that strong right now. I just recovered," I said, and he chuckled.

"Gosh, you're too cute. It makes me want to kiss the hell out of you, but we are weak right now—" His words tapered off as I leaned in, feeling the warmth of his breath mingling with mine. Our lips met in a gentle embrace, a tender exchange that spoke volumes of the love between us. In that fleeting moment, the world around us faded, leaving only the sweet sensation of his lips against mine. As we parted, a soft smile graced his lips, reflecting the silent understanding and affection that flowed between us.

"That was...unexpected," he said, his voice tinged with surprise. I winked in response, a playful glint dancing in my eyes.

As we chatted, a knock on the door startled us. Jimin and I straightened up, exchanging curious glances. Jimin shifted to sit on the chair beside me. I couldn't hide my annoyance at the interruption.

"Why now?" I muttered, feeling our moment together slipping away.

"Don't be salty, love. They probably want to talk to you as well," Jimin said, as if reading my mind. I nodded reluctantly, though I couldn't shake off my disappointment.

I saw Jungkook enter along with Ara, Taehyung, Minnie and Namjoon and Hoseok 

As Namjoon, Jimin's brother, and Hoseok, his butler, whom I'd never met, entered the room, Hoseok's gaze immediately locked onto me. The intensity of his scrutiny sent a shiver down my spine, and I felt an instinctive urge to shrink back. His eyes seemed to dissect every aspect of my expression, his brows furrowing in concentration as if he were attempting to unravel something hidden within my features

Jungkook approached me first, gently taking hold of my hand.

"How are you feeling now, Y/N?" he asked, his tone filled with concern. I nodded my head gently, reassuring him that I was fine.

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