(15) Secretly in love.

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Warning: Mention of bullying.

Third Person POV:

"Oh another letter" Y/N mumbled as she looked sideways to see if anyone was looking at her before opening the letter to read it.

"My Angel eyes,

As I saw you in that mesmerizing blue dress yesterday, I couldn't help but wonder if it was because I mentioned my fondness for the colour blue. However, to me, you radiate beauty regardless of what you wear.

I've longed to confess my feelings to you, and I've decided that today might be the day, if you're willing. I'll be waiting for you, uncertain if I've earned your trust, but steadfast in my love. You'll find me at our school's backyard.

Yours only, Your Admirer"

A smile appeared on Y/N's face as she read the letter, but it quickly transformed into a mixture of apprehension and contemplation. Despite enjoying the attention from her secret admirer for months, doubts and uncertainties began to cloud her mind. Was it right to accept this person's affection when her heart belonged to someone else?

The thought of someone admiring her from afar had initially filled her with excitement and joy. She found herself becoming more conscious of her appearance, wondering if the mysterious admirer was observing her every move. Questions flooded her mind—was it a classmate, or perhaps someone older? Each possibility only added to her confusion.

While the idea of being cherished by someone brought a sense of warmth and validation, it also stirred up feelings of guilt and conflict. What if her secret admirer turned out to be the person she truly desired? The notion seemed far-fetched, almost laughable. After all, wasn't he considered out of her league, as Haerin often reminded her?

As Y/N grappled with her emotions, one thing became evident—the attention from her secret admirer had sparked a newfound sense of worth and excitement within her, despite the underlying uncertainties.

Y/N carefully removed the books from her locker, closing it with a gentle click. Just as she turned around, she was taken aback to find Ara standing there, a bright smile adorning her face.

"Ooof, you scared me, Ara," Y/N exclaimed, slightly startled by her sudden appearance.

Ara chuckled at Y/N's reaction, her laughter echoing in the hallway.

"Can't wait to get rid of me?" Ara quesstioned and Y/N playfully smacked her in response.

"Shut it." 

"By the way, I saw Jungkook approach you," Ara remarked, her words prompting a blush to tint Y/N's cheeks.

"Girlie, why are you blushing? Do you perhaps like him or something?" Ara inquired, her tone laced with curiosity.

"W-what, no! I don't," Y/N responded with a chuckle, though her blush remained evident on her cheeks.

 "You don't sound like it though," Ara remarked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Ara, no, don't think like that. I have feelings for nobody," Y/N replied, trying to dismiss Ara's suspicions.

"Hmm, anyways, it's time for class. I gotta go. Bye," Ara said with a tight-lipped smile before walking away from Y/N.

Y/N gathered her books,  as her thoughts drifted back to the mysterious letter from her secret admirer. Despite Ara's teasing and her own internal confusion about her feelings, the idea of meeting the admirer after school lingered in her mind.

As she made her way to class, the hallways buzzed with students chatting and the sound of footsteps echoing against the tiled floors. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her, wondering if today would be the day she finally met her secret admirer face to face.

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