(16) Jealousy is a disease.

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Third Person POV:

"These eyes... when I looked into them, I felt saved. That's why you are my angel eyes." Jimin said in a soft tone.

"Wow, that's really cheesy," Jimin chuckled, glancing at Y/N, who couldn't believe her secret admirer was Jimin.

"But seriously, what I said is genuine. When I looked into your eyes, I felt like I found my saviour right from the start."

"Saviour from what?" Y/N questioned, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as Jimin smiled at her.

"I must have thrown you for a loop there, didn't I, angel eyes?" Jimin said, smiling as he gazed into Y/N's eyes.

"About a year ago, you saved someone you didn't even know. You rushed them to the hospital, stayed by their side all day, and even convinced your mom to let you stay until their family showed up."

Realization washed over Y/N as she understood that Jimin was that person she had helped.

"You're the destiny that I never thought I would meet." Jimin confessed, and Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"It might be too soon, but I fell in love with you the day you decided to help a total stranger like me. I've been surrounded by people who were only interested in my money, you see... Y/N, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jimin asked, his fingers gently intertwining with Y/N's as he searched her eyes, which were growing misty.

"Jimin sunbae..." Y/N began, a tear trickling down her cheek, which Jimin gently wiped away with his thumb.

"Never cry unless it's from happiness or pleasure, angel eyes," Jimin said softly, his heart aching at the sight of her tears.

Y/N sniffled and nodded before continuing. "I really like you. I've liked you since the day you helped me with Hangsoo, who bullied me months ago. You told me to face them, and it felt good to have someone motivate me and encourage me to stay strong."

Jimin's smile widened, genuine happiness lighting up his eyes at Y/N's confession.

"But..." Y/N trailed off, and Jimin's expression turned serious as he focused intently on her words.

"You are so perfect way too perfect for me. Look at me and you. You have everything to offer and I have nothing. People will look down on you for dating someone like me, We are not on the the same page."

Jimin's gaze softened as he gently held Y/N's chin, locking eyes with her.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?" he whispered, and she nodded, curiosity flickering in her eyes.

"Tell me an imperfection about yourself that you don't like. Be honest, love, I won't judge you," he urged gently, sensing her hesitation.

Despite her uncertainty, Y/N responded honestly. "This scar on my cheek," she admitted.

"Now listen to me.." Jimin said as he began, "Angel eyes, that scar on your cheek—it's an imperfection, yet it's become so beautiful to me. Kissing it doesn't separate us; it's a symbol of my love for every part of you. Your scars and imperfections, they're like the beauty of a Polaroid picture—unchangeable, yet endlessly captivating. I kiss them all, adoring you just like that picture. Others may not see it, but loving you like this doesn't diminish me. We're both imperfect, but as long as we love each other equally, the world is beautiful for us both."

Each word Jimin spoke filled Y/N with a warm, fuzzy feeling of love. Unable to contain herself, she suddenly hugged him tightly, catching him off guard. His confusion melted into a smile as he wrapped his arms around her.

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