Chapter 15: Flying Solo

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A/N: Hi loves, and welcome to Chapter 15! At long last, it's finally here!😄 I hope you enjoy it, and don't forget, votes and respectful comments are always welcome & appreciated!💜🦋


"I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you. Oh take me back to the night we met." -Lord Huron (from their song, "The Night We Met").

Kenzie's POV


"Mmm...Hmm?" I looked up at Julie from my crisscrossed position on the floor.

"Can I come in?" she asked with a soft smile, standing outside the open door.

"Oh, yeah," I nodded, gesturing for her to come in, careful not to disturb Calliope or Chess. My goldie's head rested in my lap as she lay next to me, just like when she was a puppy, while Chess was curled up in front of me, lightly pawing at her bell toy.

Jules joined me on the floor, greeting our four-legged friends, getting a purr and tail wag in return, respectively. "What's that?" she nodded to the photo in my hands.

"An old memory, from simpler times," I sighed, turning the photo her way.

"Yeah, it seems like it was forever ago, doesn't it?" she rested her head on my shoulder, tilting it to the side, and I leaned into the touch.

"You can say that again," I muttered, smiling wistfully at the picture; the 7 of us standing together just outside the roller rink, frozen in time, innocent and unaware of the future.

"Remember your pirouette stunt?" she chuckled.

"Hey, in my defense, I thought for sure it would work, and I was trying to get in extra practice!" I retorted in mock offense, nudging her shoulder. She fell backwards on the rug giggling in response, and I soon joined her. Calliope readjusted her position with a soft whine, and Chess stretched before making herself comfortable lying on Julie's stomach, purring.

"We all warned you to be careful, and you nearly gave Aunt Marie a heart attack!" she exclaimed. "Even Care didn't think it was a very good idea, but you tried it anyway," she sighed, and the room fell quiet.

I picked the photo up, and slowly got to my feet, much to Calliope's dismay. Carefully tucking the picture in my back pocket, I beckoned Chess into my arms and gently set her down in my desk chair. Julie stood up and took a seat on my bed. "Maisie, I'm-,"

"Jules, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong," I cut her off before she could continue. "It's just been a long, crazy day," I opened my closet door and pulled down an old wooden chest. "And I'm still trying to process everything," I finished, unlocking the box with a key on my charm bracelet, setting the photograph on top of its other contents, and quickly locking the lid back in place. After I pushed it back up on the shelf, I closed the door and turned back to Julie, rubbing my forehead.

She carefully pulled my hands away from my face, giving me her signature soft smile. "I know today's been a lot and you deserve a break. I want you to take one, okay?"

"Alright," I nodded, too tired to protest that we both deserved a break.

"I'll see you later, I'm going to try to find Flynn and talk to her," she replied, heading for the door, but stopped, as if remembering something. "Oh, and here, have as many as you want," she added, tossing me the bag of Skittles from her bookbag.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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