Chapter Three: Listless Confusion

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The train passes through a dense forest. It looks thoroughly untouched by human hands, it's overgrown and persistent. I watch it all pass as I sit in the window, I'm not very comfortable leaving my room. All the other Applicants stare at me like I've been teasing them with pastries they can't eat.

"Hey, Kirsten." Jace pops into my room with a little grin on his face, "I-"

"I had the door closed for a reason."

"Sorry, I guess I should have knocked first. But! I wanted to tell you what I heard-"

My ears immediately perk up, "What have you heard, Jace?"

Over the past 2 days on the train, Jace and I have become a little bit closer. I am still distrustful of him, but gossiping with him is nice. He's a coworker of sorts...

"I heard John and Claire arguing this morning-"

"How early? I didn't hear them-"

"Stop interrupting me, anyway it was like 5:30-"

"You wake up that early? Sorry."

"Yes, now pay attention. I didn't walk down here just to tell you stupid shit. They were arguing over you and Claire was talking about how she wanted you tucked away, but John wants you out in the spotlight- in interviews and stuff."

"Were they arguing about you too?"



"I don't think she likes you."


"I don't blame her."

I look back at him, I didn't expect him to have a go at me like that. He's a little snarky.

"Oh, no not like that Kirsten. I mean that if my ex-husband's daughter, who was also the cause of my divorce, was one of the kids I have to take care of I'd be pissed."

"No, you're right."

"I know."

"Do you think she'd be a good ally?"

"Yes, I mean she is best friends with President Brone. But I wouldn't get close to her. She scares me."

I raise my eyebrow at him, 'scares' him?

"I shouldn't say scared, I guess. It's more of a worry. She's like a spider on the wall at night. I wouldn't want her near me in the dark."

The train stops and squeaks.

"Are we here?" I wander out into the hall, "John?"

John is power walking up to me, "Why are you wearing nice clothes? Change into something raggety!"

"I only packed my nice clothes."

John opens my closet and takes out my clothes. He rips and cuts them, and rubs them on his shoes. Dirtying them until my shirt is no longer white. Jace stands against the wall, watching him closely.

"John!" That was one of my few nice shirts, he ruined my clothes. I've had enough of his ridiculous behavior. "Stop that. John!"

I slap his hands and he drops the clothes on the ground, looking up at me irritably, "These people love rags to riches. They love to see your pathetic faces and the pathetic clothes you wear. They aren't going to expect you to own a silk shirt, they aren't expecting these jeans. They like the before and after. It gains sympathy."

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"I can't believe Beowulf Emery had a daughter, I mean can you believe that Claudius?"

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