Chapter Thirteen: A Terrible Shot

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"I can't believe people like you this much." I hear Jackson say.

My eyes bolted open as I sat up. My head was echoing with pain, everything was buzzing. I immediately regretted sitting up.

"Lay against the tree, I'll help you." Jackson's hands pressed against my back as I sat against a tree. "You've been out for half of a day. And you've gotten gifts."

"My head is still sore."

"Obviously. You look like shit." He smiles, "Nothing like your magazine covers and photo shoots."

"Well, there goes my confidence!" I scowl, "What gifts?"

"Well, you have two baskets and two notes." Jackson shrugs, "I checked your head and sprayed it less than 30 minutes ago. So in an hour, I think you'll be better. They sent you food, water, and medicine- and a brush because apparently, you need to brush your hair while surviving...?"

"Priscilla." I huff, "I don't even use a brush. Thank you, you can have the food if you want."

"Drink some water, you'll feel better- and food."

We sat together near a cliff. Everything was squishy and green, rain constantly poured on us. It either drizzled or poured heavily. Despite that, the jungle was pretty.

I chewed on the strawberry from the basket. We were both soaked from the rain. I could hear birds chirping, it started getting warmer. Something rattles in the distance.

I turned around to look at the drone behind us. Then it started shooting at us, I pushed Jackson down. He screamed as I pushed him. My hands were wet and warm. I was holding Jackson's arm and looked down. A bullet cut through his skin.

"Jackson, don't move."

"I was shot, it's not the end of the world."

"It very well could be," I ripped part of my sock off and wrapped it around his arm. "Come on."

I lifted him while the drone left. I pulled him as we walked past the trees. Why would they want to do this? The Challenge was over! I looked behind us and continued walking. I heard a gunshot, I set Jackson against a tree.

"Don't move anywhere."

The drone gathers itself and comes back for me, I dive into the ground as the bullets start to fly. I looked around as I hid behind a tree, one of the guns gifted to me was lying on the ground. I rip the gun from the ground and aim it at the drone, I hope it's loaded already. I point upward and shoot at it several times. The drone drops to the ground.

I remember trying out gun training during the training days, I liked it.

"Animals," I spat, "They're all a bunch of fucking animals!"

I stand above the drone, I squash it into the ground as if it were a bug.

"Can I get a fucking medic? Hello!"

"Kirsten! Shut up!" Jackson snaps, "I'm fine!"

"You're not!"

Claudius appeared in the sky with Priscilla. Ugh! I hated her so much sometimes, she acted like a child! She's 38 years old, act like it. Not a babbling baby.

"A medic?"

"Yes." I snap.

"That's 300 points."

"Just use whatever we need!"

The drone pulled out a large tweezer and took the bullet out of his arm. I bent down and held onto his arm. Even though we've been allies for less than a week, I enjoyed his company and I wanted him to be able to reunite with his sister. It was different from my enjoyment with Jace, he didn't carry the conversation. We didn't need to speak to each other to know what the other was thinking. He is my likeness.

"Do you feel better?"

"I'm fine-"


Jackson stands up, "I sure, it's getting late again. We have to find somewhere to rest. I'll take the first watch."

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