Chapter Ten: Claire Caligo

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They want to punish me for this whole issue. It is my fault Kirsten found out. But it's not my fault that Beowulf stole her from me. I could have given her a home. There would have been no Wilma to bother her. Am I the bad guy for wanting my child's safety? No.

Tomorrow morning my child will be going into an arena with Jace. I killed Mr. Carter to get him out of her way. Gabriel, now the Head Programmer, will be helping Kirsten survive the Trials. Even though it seems Gabriel supports Beowulf more than me. Beowulf and I can only agree on her safety during the Trials. So Gabriel is probably a pusher for Beowulf. My ex-husband always wanted political power. He plans to run for an office position soon. But he doesn't have everyone who matters on his side. I just hope he doesn't plan to run for president.

If he were to run, that would stop Brone in his tracks. Elections in 2112 should be interesting. The citizens of Eden vote every 10 years for their president. The Communities are not allowed to vote. I know Peter will want to run once his father is dead, hopefully, by then I am still in good graces with the Brones. Atticus Brone founded this country. So of course the Brones normally win elections when they run. I will be a pusher for the Brones. Just as my family was.

I approach the White House. It's still a beautiful building. I heard that it used to have art and furniture from Old America, back in the olden days. Now it is just art from Eden and pretty little statues.

"Claire." Fail comes out of the doorway.

"Go away."

"I hear you have gotten into some trouble."

"It is none of your concern."

"I must do some shopping for our president."

"Ah, did he tell you to shop for clothes that will fit you?"

"You wretched woman. I could strike you for what you've said."

"Do it, and then Brone will know who struck his favorite. Get out of my sight before I call Sentinels."

I push past him into the house. Brone stands at the top of the staircase, waiting for me.

"Claire, you have caused quite the dilemma for me."

"I apologize. It was in a moment of distress. Mr. Carter was saying some very awful things about her."

"I understand you were upset when Kirsten walked in on it." Brone pauses, "But that doesn't excuse you from telling her confidential information."

"I know, I apologize."

"You're forgiven."

"Thank you."

"My daughter-in-law is pregnant again. Isn't it such good luck, on this week?"

"It is." I smile, "What do you think it's going to be this time?"

"A boy."

"It will be wonderful to have more of your grandkids running around."

"It will be."

Brone is always delighted by children. He was so excited for his kids, Peter and Mary, to be born and for his granddaughter, Abigail, to be born. Peter married Catherine a couple of years ago.

"What will they name it, if it is a boy?"


"That's so sweet."

"Come sit in my office."

We enter his office and I sit in a chair in front of his desk.

"Insurgence has been happening in Community Five." Brone states, "No one besides the Sentinels know about it. They have been protesting the meat ration for this month. Yesterday they blew up a Sentinel Office! If the Trials don't go as planned then I will have to take physical action against them."

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