Chapter Nine: The Mother of A Sacrificial Lamb

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Jace and I had split up in the Center, he wanted to go play with the medical toys and I wanted to be left alone. Everyone had stared at me after last night's show. Claudius couldn't stop talking about me, it was good press. So far I've racked up 207 sponsors, or whatever you want to call it, but people are betting on me to win. More than anyone else. I don't want to kill people to make it out alive, I don't want to be violent like Beowulf.

I remember watching the 2092 Trials in school, watching Beowulf kill so many people terrified me. The violence in his eyes always stayed the same, whenever he'd raise his voice I'd see his eyes flicker the same way in the arena. The way he bashed a boy's head often replayed in my head, I'd think about it before going to sleep, when I'd wake up, whenever my mind couldn't focus it would default to Beowulf's killings.

Towards the end of the final Challenge Beowulf took a brick to a boy's head. Bashed it in fully, what was once a head was now a bloody pulp. I always wondered how he could do that. How could he drive his hand to kill another, I never made any sense of it.

"Kirsten," Claire says, hovering anxiously, she walks into the bathroom after me, "Hello."

"Hello," She seems to be in a better mood, but I don't know why she's here. "How are you?"

She has a new bruise near her cheekbone just barely visible.

"I wanted to apologize for my frustrations earlier. I wasn't feeling very good, you should come with me to go shopping."

I needed to train, but spending the day with her seemed like a better option. A much better option. I'm sure Jace wouldn't mind if I left him alone in the building.

"Okay, where are we going?"

"I thought we could go to the fashion district."


"Alright then. I'll go and sign you out."

I went to the lockers and changed my clothes, I was out of the jumpsuit and into a pair of pants and a sweater I stole from John's closet. He wore the same clothes every day. My closet is full of dresses, I like them but I don't dress for style I dress for comfort and practicality.

The lobby is much nicer than the actual Training Center. It's old, with wood flooring, marble columns, white wallpaper with gold print, and gold elevators. On the inside of the Training Center, there was just concrete, carpet, and machinery- and some pictures of past Representatives.

Beowulf's portrait is hanging up near the counter with a plaque next to it. His portrait looms over me like a shadow, his perfect smile stretching across his face. Too often I have thought about what it be like to have him as my close family, I have to stop thinking about it.

We walk outside to a white convertible with a man in the driver's seat.

"Oh, I'm quite sure I can drive myself and Kirsten," Claire says, tenderly.

I get into the passenger seat while Claire starts the car. Her fingers caress the radio until she settles on a station.

"Oh, Kirsten you are quite the fashion inspiration nowadays."

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you noticed? You and Jace both are very popular. Haven't you looked out your window?"

"Not really."

"Well look."

I through the window, they all wear their hair dark and coily. They wore it big and proud- unashamed. They all seemed tanner than before. When I first laid eyes on them they were all so pale now they were glowing in the sun. They painted their skin so dark.

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