Chapter Seventeen: Saint Jude

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I heard the chirping of birds. I opened my eyes and saw a snout and a tongue. I sat up to see a black wolf in front of me.

"Hey there," I whisper, I've always had a fondness for dogs, "Are you a boy or a girl? Oh, you're a boy."

I pet his head, he is very friendly and just wants some attention. He looked sad, so tired and desolate. He looked like a hopeless mutt, and I couldn't be one to judge.

"We were lost before we started weren't we?"

He barks and gestures his snout behind him.


He stood and started walking off, and I followed him blindly. He leads me through trees and moss, farther and farther away from Jackson. The dog seems to command my presence. Maybe it'll kill me, maybe it's leading me to my death. I wouldn't argue with it. I am comfortable with it. There is no sense in trying to fight death. He stops in the middle of a small dense jungle. The dog disappears from my sight, I look around waiting for something to happen.


I look at the small person standing in front of me, "Mimi?"

"I know."

I know what you did, I know you killed my brother.

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

I bent down and hugged her, I hardly knew her. But I felt like I knew her because of Jackson. The brother who so fiercely wanted to protect her from harm, to keep her out of school so she didn't get moved up, was gone now. He wasn't here to protect her. But I am, I'm here. I made him a promise.

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We were sitting in Mimi's den. Eating her collection of berries. Mimi is a sweet little thing, too sweet for this world.

"The Head Programmer is going on Claudius's show today. We'll be able to see his interview."


"I think there are some problems in Eden, so maybe that's what's happening."

Just as she finished speaking Claudius and the man came onto the screen in the sky. No, Priscilla. She was never there for the more serious interviews. There was probably some major announcement.

"Thank you Gabriel for coming to talk to us today," Claudius says gravely.

"It was my pleasure."

The man is very tall and lanky, almost like a weasel. But it worked for him, his face is narrow and angular. I suppose in his prime he would have been considered attractive, his dark beard is speckled with flecks of gray. And some in his perfectly styled hair. He looks like he has secrets. He is the new Head Programmer. I met him when I was with Brone.

"So what is your opinion of the Trials so far?"

"I think it has been one of the most successful ever," Gabriel says, "We are enjoying this year, and we hope you are too. I mean we had an entire team go over the storyboard ideas."

Claudius nods, "Yes, I'm sure all of us are enjoying this year's Trials. Can we all agree?" He looks out to the audience, and they all cheer and clap. "See?"

"Thank you, we appreciate that." Gabriel smiles at the audience, "Do you have a favorite Applicant?"

Claudius laughs, "You know I don't have favorites! But I think we all do. Though Ms. Emery seems to be the most beloved of them all."

"Yes she does, Ms. Emery has quite the following, especially in the far back Communities."

They like to call poor Communities far back since they are farthest from Eden.

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