Chapter Five: A Party For Pigs and Thieves

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"The dress is beautiful, Magnus."

"Thank you, what's wrong?"

"Just nervous."

"Is that all?"


"Our team will be there. I'm sure they'll make you less nervous."

"I hardly know them all, besides John and Jace." Magnus fixes a piece of my headband.

"Just the same, I'm sure he's nervous too."

Magnus finishes painting my toes, but there is no point. No one will look at them.

"Now you're perfect."

"I look like a doll."

Magnus made me stand in front of the mirror, "Be a doll, just for today."

My gaze lowers in the mirror, touching the soft cloth of the fabric. The skirt is loose and flowing like water, not conforming to my body. John rushes into the room with Jace and Claire following him.

"I'm sick of waiting, let's go!"

"You can't just barge in here." Magnus snaps, "This is very unbecoming of you."

"So? I don't care." John takes a sip of water, "We're going to be late if we don't leave. I don't feel like explaining to Brone why the stars of the show are late, okay?"

I follow them down the hall and into the parking garage. Jace and John slip into the car, arguing about something. I don't care enough to listen to their argument. Claire pulls me aside, with a long smile on her face.

"Listen to me," She whispers, "People from the President's House have been talking about you. They don't like you, you threaten them-"

"I haven't done anything."

"I know, sweetheart. They just don't like the attention you're getting. When we reach the party I want you to be on your best behavior. All smiles. Don't frown. He will be there, so don't feel panicked when he speaks to you. Stay by Jace. We have to implement the friendship."

"I know."

❋ ❋ ❋

Tonight it's chilly, Magnus should have given me a jacket with this dress. We line up outside the White House by Community. Community One is at the very top of the stairs.

"Look here kiddos," John spits out, "Don't speak to people like Father Fail, they'll eat you alive. Only speak to the Government Officials and young Representatives. Never speak out of term."

"Out of term?"

"Don't say shit you know they don't like." John pats my shoulder and turns back to Jace, "And Jace, make her likable. Will you?"

"I'll try."

I roll my eyes at them, as if I'm not already nervous enough John has to make a joke about me being likable. I know I have to cover myself for them, I'm not stupid.

John runs up the steps with Claire. They go to the party, and flashes of cameras reflect through the windows. The music starts. And Community One walks. I wonder what JOhn thinks of his fame? He and the rest of 2092 Representatives are so incredibly famous. My Father, Claire, John, and the deceased Christina were the poster shildren for fame. No one has ever reached the level of them, cameras follow them everytime they walk out of our penthouse, they're constantly doing commercials and cameos in movies, they are the ideal that Eden set up. They are perfect. How does John feel about a camera being shoved up his ass every waking moment of the day?

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