CHAPTER •♡3♡• Me and Him

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Jung went to find Sang as planned then went home took a bath, called his parents. A few minutes later he spent the whole night working.

7:45 a.m.
_Hello Sir.
_Hello everybody.
_Oh my god Hwa is still so cute, nothing when smelling her scent is exciting. (Jung's thoughts).

Ah lala our Jung is going to crack. (Author)

_Hello Jung, how are you?
_Ah Hello M Hwa yes and you.
_ You're early today.
_Not really, I even thought I was going to be late.

_You had your breakfast
_Yes before coming to work.
_Okay, too bad, I bought you some rolls and an iced coffee takes the cake.
_Woww thank you very much Sir, it's a pleasure.

_Come to my office in a few minutes for the reports
_ Okay, I will also bring the files.

_Wowwww Jung, the boss takes care of you it seems.
(Said his colleague Hary from the side while smiling.)

_ What are you talking about Hee, he bought them for me thinking that I hadn't had my breakfast, well, don't say that, it's embarrassing.
_But no, I'm just saying that he could do the same with me why only you. (making fun of himself).

_In short, go ask him yourself, what do I know, finish what you have to do.
_You're not funny, ok, I'll say that.

*Jung went to the boss's office but when he knocked on the door no one answered*

_Sir, can I come home?
_M Hwa can you hear me?
_Why doesn't he answer what's going on?
'' Out of concern Jung opened the door and came in at first sight he saw him in a deep sleep.''

_But he is sleeping how can he sleep so early maybe he is exhausted.
_M Hwa M Hwa.....

He approached Hwa again and again while calling his name while watching him sleep.

_How can a man as selfish as him be so beautiful while sleeping, he is pleasant to look at. His lines are so fine and if I drew him, what am I saying he would definitely not like it.

_Lost in his thoughts and let himself be distracted by our handsome kid who sleeps like a log, he couldn't react when suddenly Hwa opened his eyes.

_So you also come close to me when I sleep without my permission, you are not afraid of being punished when I wake up.

_Aahhh ahhgg M Hwa you woke up sorry I didn't want to disturb you I I....
_Yeah, you're sorry, you should expect your actions to have consequences.

_I know I didn't want to, I called you several times but you didn't answer out of worry, I approached you a little.
_A little too much even, uh now you're talking to me informally, is it fear or are you just excited at the idea of ​​being so close to me.

_ No, I work for you as a secretary so it shocks me more to speak to you informally.
_ You're too tiring, why are you here?

_ Tell me does a boss have the right to touch his secretary?
_ For a secretary who looks like a girl and who has worked for me for 5 years it's not fun.

_What do you imply by his disorderly remarks?
_ We have the same thing between our legs, I would be disgusted if I fucked a guy while seeing his gun.

_ What are you talking about, you don't like men, why does that concern me and I don't give a damn about your life.
_ I am delighted that we are of the same opinion. But which one of us is missing the point?

_You don't have to say anything else, I'm leaving, I have a lot of work.
_I asked you but you can leave, I have nothing more to say to you.

Hwa let go of him, Hwa didn't pay attention to the expression on his face if he was happy, angry or sad. Because he couldn't decipher her expression, not even her intentions.

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