CHAPTERA•♡14♡• Do You Believe In Me?

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_Yes sir please continue.

_So we hacked Jin's computer and the trace went back to yours.
_ Eh what are you not implying <<yours>> Mr. Miller.

_Don't worry, sir, I'll be more precise.
_In the evening during a big party organized by the sales executives, Mr. Hwa sent Riki to Mr. Jin's room without even informing me. Being a former spy, he had no trouble downloading the system from Mr. Jin's computer.

_This one having thought that we come to check his data, so after using what he wanted he deleted them as well as his history, but that did not prevent us from finding them and searching for at least an hour all this brought us back to the one who betrayed us, the one who shared the information, and the one who found certain evidence deleted in Mr. Jin's computer.

_And so ...

_It's one and the same person, she just beat around the bush, but we cornered her and I don't know if Mr. Jin was trying to protect her by erasing the evidence.

_ Miller tells him, damn it, I've had enough of this charade.
_I am listening to you, please, who is this person in question?

_This person is you Jung, let me explain, all the research we have been able to do has brought us back to one and the same person here and this person is you Jung-Ho.

_Wait it's a joke how can you joke at a time like this Mr. Miller.
_Be careful what you say Mr. Jung, do I seem like I'm joking?

_It's impossible, I haven't been in contact with Mr. Jin, why would I have given him our information which is no longer confidential.

_It's up to you to tell us so you think that's what it means.
_But what more should I say, it's absurd.

_Mr Hwa I'm going to leave I have things to do.
_Yes thank you very much Miller.

_No wait and how did that happen on the ground?
_we were still able to get the land but that won't help anything because Mr. Hwa has problems...

_Mr Miller I thought you had things to do and who are you talking to I don't see anyone here.
_uh uh... yes Mr. Hwa I am withdrawing immediately.

_As for you, you thought we weren't going to find your little projects well planned.
_But Hwa believe me I will never do that no matter what problem I had with you.

_Believe how long you plan to continue acting, you have no shame.
_Please don't judge me like this, you haven't even heard my version of the facts.

_Your version of the facts but you are completely stupid where you always play comedy, Tss... you are my fucking secretary and to think that I trusted you to keep my files. Today ask me to believe you when I have proof that you betrayed me.

_no no that's not at all what you think, let me explain how can you concentrate on the version you had in your hands, it's incomprehensible?

_Ooohhhh no it's completely understandable it's simple, my own secretary betrayed me, at the same time who wouldn't have done it.

_don't say that, at least let me explain, I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't have the slightest idea Mr. Hwa.

_Jung this conversation has lasted long enough you can leave.
_no wait believe me I didn't do anything Mr. Hwa.

(Why does he continue to lie to me? Jung tells me it's you. Admit that you did it right and apologize. Tell me. Tell me.)

Hwa could hear Jung begging him to let him explain but he didn't want to hear anything because Jung was saying the complete opposite of what he wanted to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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