Chapter 31| Other Boy

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Alex pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, and unsurprisingly, Ashley wasn't beside me. I groaned, rubbing my eyes. After a minute of procrastination, I rolled out of bed, my feet lightly hitting the floor. I stumbled over to my wardrobe and grabbed an outfit for me to wear.

Once dressed, I checked my phone, and I had a single notification from Alessandro.

Alessandro: Ashley and I are going out. I think we'll be back around 11.

I frowned. Why didn't Ash tell me she was going out? I mean, I guess she didn't have to, but I would've liked to know. Or maybe she told Alessandro to text me? No. She wouldn't do that.

I took a deep breath. I overthink too much. I need to just stop.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, where I found Adelina in there mumbling to herself as she cooked. The kitchen smelled nice, but I could tell she'd burnt something just moments before.

"Good morning." I smiled, walking over to her and glancing over at what she was making. Which unfortunately was eggs, ew. I must've startled her because she jumped when she heard my voice, and her head snapped in my direction.

"You okay?" I asked, frowning and tilting my head to look at her expression. She nodded, I didn't want to press her for information, so I just shrugged it off.

Adelina went back to cooking, and Mia walked into the kitchen. Jesus, I forgot she existed sometimes. Mia walked directly over to me with purpose, which I didn't like. I was hoping she wouldn't make me do anything because I just woke up. She was clinging to an iPad, probably something she used to note down things. I don't know what assistants do.

She stopped right in front of me and glanced around the kitchen before signing as she made eye contact with me again. Did I do something wrong? I looked at her with confusion and curiosity etched into my face.

All I got was a blank stare in return. "There is someone outside. They wish to talk to Mrs Solace, but unfortunately, she isn't home. I do not know when she is going to be back, and the gentleman is persistent." Mia explained, showing me her iPad, which has security cameras outside the gate.

A young man was sitting down by the front entrance. He looked sad and lonely. I felt sorry for him.

I reached for the iPad to have a better look, but Mia yanked it out of my reach. "Since Mrs Solace isn't here and you are her husband, I need you to go and talk to the man. You are the next best option." Mia continued her voice monotone as usual.

I sighed and nodded, I guess no breakfast for me this morning.

I whispered a quick goodbye to Adelina before making my way outside and towards the gates. This involved what was probably unnecessary walking, who needs a garden this big? I mean, I guess Ash does.

I got a bit distracted by how big the garden was and how Ash and I should go on a walk soon, I didn't even realise when I arrived at the gate.

But a sad whine woke me from my thoughts, I looked down to see a blonde man sitting down, leaning against the gates.

I frowned, trying to figure out if I knew the man or if he was a complete stranger. "Um, hello?" I muttered, confused.

It didn't take me long to conclude that I didn't know this man. So how was he?

The man looked up at me with what looked like hope, but when his eyes landed on me, the hope quickly faded. "Oh, um, I thought you would be someone else." The man muttered, quickly getting up off the floor.

He held out his hand to shake mine, I reached my hand through the gate to shake his hand. "I'm Aaron." The man introduced himself.

I nodded slowly as I raked my brain to think if I knew his or had even heard his name before, but I hadn't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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