chapter 1 - The introduction

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It's the year 2124. The world has changed and evolved. Along with it so has humans. through the change of time a new power has emerged Kachi, and with it new problems. Jeffery is 40, rich, and very powerful but still doesn't feel fulfilled. As the years passed his strength grew, and his never-ending itch to get better made him outrank the greatest of Kachi users. Now he feels he lost his purpose.

Stopping criminals comes with ease to the point where he feels no need to go training, it doesn't pertain to him at this point. Jeffrey trained all of his life in martial arts and all types of training available, he simply never lost a fight.

Jeffrey sits up on the roof of a building while the wind swept his hair in different directions, he looks at the crime-ridden streets of the city of Samiral and thinks to himself, "Will there ever be someone stronger than me in this country?".

Jeffrey knows how to use all of the three types of kachi that exist, the light, the shadow and the purple, this is one of the reasons why he is so Strong, but whenever he fights people, they are so much weaker than him that he doesn't even bother ...

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Jeffrey knows how to use all of the three types of kachi that exist, the light, the shadow and the purple, this is one of the reasons why he is so Strong, but whenever he fights people, they are so much weaker than him that he doesn't even bother to use any, he just uses martial arts and super speed To end the fight or the crime quickly.

A normal Kachi user can use it as much as he wants but if he doesn't practice enough, he will tire faster and will won't be able to release the Kachi from his hand, on the other hand, Jeffrey has trained so many years that he can use all kinds of The Kachi without any limitation.

Jeffrey usually kills the criminals, it doesn't matter to him if they are thieves, murderers, rapists or drug dealers, he does not believe in imprisoning the criminals because the prison is bursting with people and there is no reason to imprison so many in one prison because Samiral's prison has More than a million people.

Every criminal is afraid of Jeffrey because once he arrives, the criminal has no chance to escape, that's why most of the criminals commit their crimes more in the middle of the night when it's already dark than in the morning.

"Well, everything seems pretty quiet right now, I'll go back to my big boring house".While Jeffrey is flying back to his house he suddenly hears a robbery taking place not far away at a small jewelry store. "Maybe the long-awaited moment has finally arrived, I have to check."

"Hands up! Don't move, you idiot cashier, from now on we own the store, lay down!, Come on Timmy, hurry up! Put all the jewelry in the bag and let's go, Jeffrey could arrive at any moment and we don't want that!". 

"I'm trying, come on, just take the money from the register already!".

"Well, well, look who is here, the two most idiotic criminals in the world, what happened? Did you ran out of money?  I also see that you ran out of budget for masks, because I can see your faces, you idiots!".

"Shut up! stop meddling already, and let us take the jewels, it's not that the jewels here are so important to this world."

"You're really stupid, huh? You think I care about the jewelry? I care about the crime you committed, and now you'll pay!".

"Run Timmy!" .Timmy the thief manages to get out of the store and tries to run with the jewelry he stole.

the other thief tries to run towards Jeffrey and attack him.

Jeffrey in his mind saying: "He is weak, one punch will be enough."

,Jeffrey teleports and without using any force just gives a simple punch to the criminal's face.

The criminal was simply pushed so far outside the store and caused a lot of destruction with just the simple punch.

"Okay, you're out, let's get to the other idiot."

"Ok, I'll make it interesting, I will  use my kachi a bit

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"Ok, I'll make it interesting, I will use my kachi a bit."

Jeffrey focuses some of his kachi on his leg, his eyes start to glow purple, and with great speed He teleports and gives a very hard kick to the face of the thief Timmy, he bleeds abnormally from his face and dies on the spot.

Jeffrey focuses some of his kachi on his leg, his eyes start to glow purple, and with great speed He teleports and gives a very hard kick to the face of the thief Timmy, he bleeds abnormally from his face and dies on the spot

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"Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit, oh well, he deserved it, i should go back to my house now."

Jeffrey takes the bag of stolen jewelry and returns it to the store, from There he flies back to his house, he lives alone in a large and luxurious house that his parents left him.

,Jeffrey got home, he went in and just threw himself on the bed, and he just thought to himself "I'm already tired of this city, I'm so bored killing weak criminals, when will come this moment when I'll have an interesting adventure, an interesting fight, fuck I'm tired".

After half an hour, Jeffrey falls asleep but suddenly his phone rings, it seems to be from an unknown number. "Come on!, who is calling in 6 PM?, "who is this?".

"Hey Jeffrey, speaking from the Samiral Police station".

 "What do you want? I do fight crime, but I do it voluntarily, not when I'm told to do it."

 "There's a Kachi warrior here who doesn't control himself and just kills people with his power, we can't control him, he's immune to bullets and we need your help".

 "Isn't there another Kachi warrior? I'm a little tired".

 "No we don't have Jeffrey, he brings a lot of destruction to the city please come, he uses a light Kachi." 

"Okay, but don't get used to it."

Jeffrey immediately got up from his bed, exited and flew out of the window. He spotted the warrior.. "Okay, he looks a little emotional but he doesn't look like a regular criminal, oh well, it will only take a second."

End of chapter 1

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