Chapter 5 - The entrance

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Terry and Jeffrey continue training, Terry continues to try to control the shadow Kachi while Jeffrey watches him, Terry seems to be slowly gaining control of the force.

Terry stops charging his power and asks Jeffrey "Do you want to spar with me?"

Jeffrey answers "You mean you want to fight me?".

"Honestly I want to test my mastery of the shadow Kachi and see if I can master it or not."

"Haha ok, I'm ready to fight you, let's see if you can even hurt me," Jeffrey says confidently

"I'll manage to hurt you! you'll see! but let's fly a little higher, into the sky so we don't destroy my house."

Jeffrey and Terry fly up into the sky, and they prepare for their first sparring match, Terry the angry fighter VS Jeffrey the strongest fighter in the world!The battle begins!

"Here I come!!, Jeffrey!!"Terry flies towards Jeffrey and tries to punch him, but Jeffrey stops the punch with one finger and knocks Terry aside with a tornado kick to the head. Terry bleeds a little from his head and starts to get angry.

"Ahhhhhh Fuck! That hurt, how the hell did you stop me so fast?"

"Does it really matter? Give it your all, Terry!"

Terry again flies towards Jeffrey to hit him, he throws punches in every direction, but Jeffrey just dodges each and every punch like it's nothing, As Terry attacks, Jeffrey punches him hard in the ,stomach, and Terry spits blood from his mouth, Jeffrey releases a light kachi Blast to his head after that, it knocks Terry back at least 200 meters.

"How?, How?, How the hell are you so strong? I'm faster than the speed of light with my current strength and you've just shown that you're faster than this level, what kind of training do you do??, anyway, I'll just use all I have, I won't hold back anymore! get ready Jeffrey, my true power is coming!."

"Give it your all, I'm waiting."

Terry is angry because he was not able to hit Jeffrey, he begins to concentrate on getting angry and use all his strength, he begins to scream very loudly, from all the shouting and the enormous power that comes out of him, the whole earth shakes, Terry's power is very high, his shadow Kachi begins to take over him, his shirt rips and he goes completely crazy, his whole chest turns black from all the shadow Kachi covering him, and he seems to have changed shape, all his hair is up and the upper part of his body is completely black, he seems to have very quickly developed a form in which he expresses all His power with the shadow Kachi.

Terry is angry because he was not able to hit Jeffrey, he begins to concentrate on getting angry and use all his strength, he begins to scream very loudly, from all the shouting and the enormous power that comes out of him, the whole earth shakes,...

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Terry becomes more muscular, the shadow Kachi covers his entire body, he is in a mad rage, lost all control of his nerves, but that's all of Terry's functional power from his anger, Terry officially knows how to use the shadow Kachi but the problem is, he has completely lost control, and nothing has changed.

"Amazing Terry, your power is huge and bursting, but, it's still not enough, it's just not enough yet, you're still not stronger than me and you've just lost control again, you've changed shape

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