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*He tried to brush it off as just roleplay or part of the acting but, after what happened, he just couldn't help but feel like there was something deeper behind those words. Like there was something more than just acting to what she had said. The tension and desire was still lingering in the air, making it difficult to shake that feeling.*

"Ah, whatever." *He sighed, shaking the feeling aside as he shut the garage door. He knew that he just had to let it go for now and that he wouldn't know for sure until later. But, he had a weird feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was something more to it...*

"Maybe I'm just overthinking things..." *He muttered to himself as he left the garage and closed the door behind him. He figured he was just imagining things, but something still felt... Off. It was probably just in his head, but he had a weird feeling... Like there was something else behind what she had said that made it more than just roleplay...*

"That's just stupid." *He muttered to himself, shaking his head as he walked inside the house. He would let it go for now, since he had to go back to pretending like it was all just a role play. But in the back of his head, he still felt like there was something deeper behind her words... He couldn't shake that feeling of there being more to it...*

*He stopped in his tracks when he heard Soap behind him, feeling his heart skip a beat from the sudden interruption. He turned around and nodded calmly, still trying to maintain the disguise that nothing more happened then just acting.*

"What's up Soap?"

"You better put a real ring on her finger one day...god, you two are adorably sickening." He laughed.

*"Is he... joking or...?"*

*A look of surprise filled his face at the thought of Soap even considering that possibility. But the fact he was laughing didn't really help. Though it wasn't totally out of the realm of possibility with him, since he had a reputation of being a hopeless romantic.*

"Huh, I-..." *His voice trailed off as he didn't really know how to respond. Was he joking? Was Soap being serious?* "She... Well, s-she called me her husband."

"Oh she did? Did she?...that's cute," Soap sighed, "for real though, you better marry the girl, or I may just swoop in and take her for myself," he said jokingly but half sort of seriously.

*He felt his heart skip a beat when Soap jokingly mentioned taking her for himself. A twinge of a frown flashed across his face as he wondered if Soap was truly, completely serious or not. He was hoping it was just him overthinking things, that Soap was just teasing him while knowing it wasn't actually true.*

"Yeah, well, you can try but... She's mine." *He said, his voice holding more conviction now as he spoke.*

"Just so you know, the majority of the squad are into her, so be careful. One. Wrong. Move. And she's gone... you better get with her soon, and you better not fuck it up," Soap said, seeing Ghost frown at his prior remarks.

*He gulped, feeling a wave of intense jealousy surge through him at the knowledge that most of the squad was into her. The thought of her ending up with someone else made his blood boil, even if he was just playing a role.*

*"She won't be going anywhere..."* *He whispered, his voice firm now. He couldn't let himself be pushed around or replaced when it came to someone like her...*

Price walked up, "You're seriously encouraging him?," he grumbled, Soap gave Price an annoyed glance, his smile strained. "Real romantic relationships are prohibited in this establishment..." Price trialed off with an authoritative tone.

*He rolled his eyes when he saw Price walk over, feeling his disdain for him grow. He could be so uptight and anal about things that it made him wanna pull out his hair.*

Ghost of You (Ghost x Reader) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now