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This time, finding his way to the loading bay was easier for Sennai. As he approached its entry, the imposing silvered door remained shut.

"Open up". ordered Sennai.

"No", said the door.

"Open up!" bellowed Sennai, his patience running thin.

"No, I refuse," came the reply.

"Why, damn you?"

"Because you forced me open last time when I didn't want to. You may or may not have noticed, but I'm a self-regulating, state-of-the-art portal, therefore I should open when I want to, or am programmed to. My upgrades are all in order and hence I am not your ageing hinge and lock, archaic wooden mechanism. They didn't have a mind or personality of their own, and opened at will, exactly when anyone wanted them to. I do not. My servo-engineering has undergone seventeen enhancements and an extremely lengthy research and development process. Add to all of that, I am a security door and responsible in many ways for the safety of this ship - which not only means even more complex algorithms on my creators' part to make doubly sure I don't open when I'm not supposed to - but also means I own and maintain a triple strength cypher-lock to keep me shut when I require to stay shut. A cypher-lock, I might add, that is steadfastly secured now. All this means I will remain fully sealed for the present because necessity dictates it. So, in summary, I'm sorry Captain, not only can I not open... but I will not open".

The door opened.

"Thanks, Tzkk," said Sennai.


Inside the loading bay Zero the giant chrome robot remained resolute beside the Eggkraft, occupying the same position Sennai left him a short while ago.

"Is the old chicken around?" asked Sennai.

"Dik..." said Zero, "is in the goo... d for nothing Eggkraft, with the Earthling."

"Good for nothing?"

"He has problems," said Zero.

"With his ship?"

"With... himself. And... his hips. Ship."

"With the ship?" questioned Sennai.

"Yesso click, whirr... Correction. Oh yes."

Sennai smiled sympathetically at the mass of shining electroplate.

"They've been... inside a tongue lime, long time. Very quiet," the robot informed him.

"Well, I'd better go and check he's alright. Anyone his age could quickly fall ill."

"Good..." said Zero, "Correction... bye."

"See you."

Sennai could hear mumbled, disgruntled noises coming from within. Then a voice.

"Come in Captain, the hatchway's down."

"What a lovely name for a door to an Eggkraft!" mused Sennai.

He rounded the ovoidal vehicle until he reached a small door open at the back. Metal steps extended to its innards. He climbed up and entered, walking tentatively inside amidst a mass of multi-coloured wires and transparent tubing that hung from a variety of ceiling vents. Amongst and behind these was a dazzling array of blinking lights and switches. He reached Tzkk who sat cross-legged on the floor, his feathered cloak hanging on a nearby chair. A book lay on his lap entitled Eggkraft for Dummies.

Tzkk's earthly companion Duke sat on a small square stool nearby with another manual showing 101 Ways to Insult Technology printed down the spine.

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