Over the Years (Up to 5th Year)

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This chapter is really really really short, it's just supposed to sum up the first few years of Hogwarts.

Over the past few years I had a lot of fun, sure my potions teacher Professor Snape hated me but I'd grown to get used to it. What I'm referring to is my quidditch and a certain blondie that I hate, well, hate teasing and embarrassing. 'Mione has made sure that I'm acing school so I'm the best in all of my classes which makes me hated by some, and admired by others. I found out a couple years ago that I was famous for being able to defeat this bald, no-nosed guy known as Voldemort as baby. He tried to kill me using Avada Kadavra but due to some spell my mother used on me, the spell bounced off me and killed Voldemort so I was pretty famous. Though many people thought I loved the attention I actually hated it, people would always be trying to touch me. Even though it had been years since I had been horribly touched often, I still was every single summer, and I wished I could just stay at Hogwarts during the summer like in the winter, so I still continued to push away hugs, thankfully no one asked why. No one knew of my predicament at the Dursleys and I wanted it to stay that way, it would just give me more attention and I didn't want that. Really one of the things that I looked forward to each year was being able to tease Malfoy, the way his cheeks flamed up in embarrassment whenever he had lost made me laugh, and very few people did. So every day I would look for the platinum hair that belonged to Malfoy and would immediately go and start teasing him, it maddened him I bet, which made it more worth while, it riled him up.

Unbeknownst to Harry, there was another reason he got overjoyed at the sight of those platinum locks.

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