Emerald Eyes

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Pansy's POV

We returned to Harry's house with Headmistress Minerva, Professor Snape, and the healer. We all entered the house to see Dray kneeling over a barely breathing Pottah. He doesn't even seem to have noticed us yet. I look over and see Snape heading over to Pottah and Dray. Snape picks Dray up and as he finally notices us, he starts screaming and crying and yelling at Snape to put him down when Snape forces him to drink a potion and Dray goes limp.

"What did you do to him Professor?" I ask.

"I gave him a sedative, he'll wake up in a few hours. For now we need to get him back home, I trust you and Mr. Zabini to get him to the Malfoy Manor. For now I need to bring Mr. Pottah to Dumbledore" He handed Dray to Blay and we balanced him on our brooms as we flew back to the castle and ran to our rooms.

Just as Professor Snape said, a few hours after Dray took the potion he would wake up.

"HARRY!!" Dray yelled sitting upright and Blay and I ran over to him.

"Shh. Harry is going to be okay." Blay explained.

"Where is he?"

"With Professor Dumbledore."

"WHAT?! We need to go now!!" He said scrambling up and trying to run to the door. Blay and I grab his arms and sit him back down on the bed. "What are you doing we need to get Harry!"

"Why? He's with Dumbledore."

"Because Dumbledore hates Harry, he knew what he was going through every summer."

"What was he going through?"

"THIS!! Every single summer he would go home and be beaten and starved, and sometimes left in cold outside with nothing but the clothes on his back. And Dumbledore knew and did nothing!!" "We need to get Harry out of Dumbledore's grasps now!!" He tried to get up again but we held him down.

"I'll send a protronus to Snape but you need to stay here. Blay hold him down." I said getting up. I sent my protronus. "Now we just have to sit here and wait, can we trust you to not leave if Blay lets you go?" Dray nodded.

"Okay." Blay said and let go, Dray got up but didn't head to the door. Instead he started pacing back and forth, back and forth muttering things that only he could hear, but Blay and I left him alone.

3 HouRs LaTEr

Draco's POV

I've been pacing for hours now waiting for news from Snape, muttering;

"Where is he?

Is Harry okay?

Did Dumblewhore hurt him?

Snape better have helped Harry."

over and over again until a protronus made it's way through the window.

"Thank you, Miss Parkinson, for your protronus, you sent it right on time, you sent it right before I knocked on Dumbledore's door. Harry is safe and is healing. Draco, you should see him on the first day of school, if not, visit my office. I hope you all are safe and made it to the Malfoy Manor quickly. I will see you soon on the first day of school." And with that the protronus left the way it came.

I collapsed back onto the bed with a sigh of relief, school started in a little over a week.

"Thank God he's okay, but where is he? I can't feel any of his emotions."

"If something was wrong Snape would have said so, he's not one to withhold information on a personal level. I'm sure Harry's fine, he's probably just sedated." Pans answered.

"Yeah, you're probably right, let's go down for food." I got up but Pans and Blay stayed sitting.

"Dray, it's the middle of the night, I don't think we should be getting food." Pans said laughing.

"Oh, well whatever." I said embarrassed.

We talked the rest of the night not getting a wink of sleep.

The next week and a half was pretty much just filled with no sleep, and worry, my parents tried talking to me but I shut them down right away, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. This went on until it was the day before Hogwarts started up again, it was also the day that I was able to feel Harry's emotions again. He felt nervous and excited, but I could feel him masking a bit of pain behind it all, I'll have to ask him about it later, I was just happy that I was going to see Harry again.

Pans and Blay stayed with me for the rest of the break to make sure I didn't run off in search of Harry, and even though I said that I wouldn't do that, I knew deep down that if they weren't there, I totally would have.

We all finished packing and decided to go on a walk on our last day at my manor. We all come across a heard of thestrals, or I do, Pans and Blay don't see them.

"Guys it's a heard of thestrals!" I said running up them. I started petting King, my thestral.

"Where?" Blay asked looking around.

"Right here. Oh wait. I forgot, you can't see them."

"Why can't we see them?" Pans asked.

"Because you haven't seen death, only people who have seen a person die can see them."

"But didn't you kill that horrible muggle Harry has to call an uncle?" Blay asked.

"Yes but you probably didn't see the actually moment he died, you might have just seen him fall to the floor." I said shrugging my shoulders and turning back to King. "We should totally ride them!! I've ridden King multiple times so we can all fly on him."

"Dray you're forgetting something. We can't see King." Pans said. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't need to see them to feel or ride them. Just hold onto me and you'll be fine. Come on." I said mounting King. First Pans, I helped her on and she wrapped her hands around my torso and Blay did the same thing to Pans. "Ready?" They both nod their heads. I whistled a certain rhythm and King started walking, he then sped up into a trot. Then as we were about to take off, he burst into a final burst of speed, unfurled his wings, and took off.

"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN DRAY!!!" Pans yelled in my ear but I just laughed at that.


"NO!!!!" Pans yelled back.

"YES?!?! AS YOU WIIIIIISH!!!" I whistled again and King sped up making Pans scream in my ear again.

We continued flying until it was time for dinner. We ate, went to bed and when everyone was up, we all headed to King's Cross for the train. I went hunting for a certain pair of eyes, and a certain head of raven hair.

After 10 - 15 min, I finally met a pair of emerald eyes.

(Harry's eyes turned back to green but when he's especially happy, his eyes will either go neon green, or the silver with the rainbow dancing in his eyes.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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